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Zodiac News
Zodiac News Archive
Santa Barbara Attack
Cheri Jo Bates
The Confession
Riverside Desktop Poem
Bates Letter
The Forgotten Victims
Welsh Chappie - Zodiac News
Lake Herman Murders
Blue Rock Springs Attack
Vallejo Times Letter
Examiner Letter
Chronicle Letter
Complete 408 Cipher
Vallejo and Benicia Map
Kathie Snoozy and Debra Furlong Murders
Debut of Zodiac Letter
Lake Berryessa Attack
Presidio Heights Attack
Call to Chat Show
340 Cipher
Bus Bomb Letter
Betsy Aardsma Murder
The Fairfield Letter
Melvin Belli Letter
Santa Barbara Murders 1970
Modesto Attack
My Name is Cipher
Dragon Card and Button Letter
Phillips Road Map
The Sleeping Bag Murders
The Little List Letter
The Halloween Card
Lake Tahoe Disappearance
Los Angeles Times Letter
The Monticello Card
The Exorcist Letter
SLA Letter
Red Phantom Letter/American Greetings Card
The 1978 Letter
Los Angeles Times Newspaper Articles
Zodiac Letters Real or Fake
Zodiac Documentary
Unsolved Mysteries
The Colonial Parkway Murders
Arthur Leigh Allen
Rick Marshall
Lawrence Kane
Theodore Kaczynski
Richard Gaikowski
Gareth Penn
Jack Tarrance
1963 June 4th-The Domingos/Edwards Murders
1964 February 5th- The Swindle Murders
1966 October 30th-The Cheri Jo Bates Murder
1966 November 29th-The Confession Letter
1966 December- The Riverside Desktop Poem
1967 April 30th- The Three Bates Letters
1968 December 20th-The Lake Herman Murders
1969 July 4th/5th-The Blue Rock Springs Attack
1969 July 31st- Vallejo Times-Herald Letter and
Cipher Page1 (solved)
1969 July 31st- Examiner Letter and
Cipher Page 2 (solved)
1969 July 31st- Chronicle Letter and
Cipher Page 3
1969 July 31st- The Complete 408 Cipher
1969 August 3rd- The Snoozy & Furlong Murders
1969 August 4th- Debut of Zodiac Letter
1969 August 10th- Concerned Citizen Card
1969 September 27th- The Lake Berryessa Attack
1969 October 7th- The Good Citizen Letter
1969 October 11th- The Presidio Heights Murder
1969 October 13th-The Paul Stine Letter
1969 October 14/15th- Zodiac Call to Santa Rosa
1969 October 17th- The School Bus Shooting
1969 October 20th- The Phone Call to Palo Alto
1969 October 22nd- Call to Chat Show
1969 November 2nd- Daniel Williams Poisoning
1969 November 8th-The Dripping Pen Card and
340 Cipher (solved in 2020)
1969 November 9th-The Bus Bomb Letter
1969 November 19th-The Riddler Notes
1969 November 21st-The San Jose Code Letter
1969 November 28th-The Betsy Aardsma Murder
1969 December 7th- Oklahoma Radio Call
1969 December 7th-The 1st Fairfield Letter
1969 December 10th- Forecast for Cancer
1969 December 11th- Forecast for Leo
1969 December 16th-The 2nd Fairfield Letter
1969 December 19th- Zodiac Call to San Jose
1969 December 20th-The Melvin Belli Letter
1970 January 4th- Phone Call to Peggy Trainer
1970 Feb 21st- The Hood and Garcia Murders
1970 March 22nd-The Modesto Attack
1970 April 15th-The Robert Salem Murder
1970 April 20th-"My Name is" Letter,
and Bus Bomb Diagram
1970 April 28th-The Dragon Card
1970 June 18th- Oakland A's Letter
1970 June 26th-The Button Letter
and Phillips 66 Map (solved in 2020)
1970 July 4th-The Sleeping Bag Murders
1970 July 24th-The Kathleen Johns Letter
1970 July 26th-The Little List Letter
1970 Sept 6th-The Donna Lass Disappearance
1970 October 6th-13 Hole Postcard
1970 October 17th- "You Are Next" Postcard
1970 October 27th-The Halloween Card
1971 March 13th-The Los Angeles Letter
1971 March 22nd-The Pines Card
1971 Possibly May- The 148 Character Cipher
1971 July 13th-The Monticello Card
1972 June 29th- The Novato Letter
1973 August 1st- The Albany Letter
1974 January 29th-The Exorcist Letter
1974 February 3rd-The SLA Letter
1974 May 8th-The Citizen/Badlands Card
1974 July 8th-The Red Phantom Letter
1974 December 27th- Christmas Card
1975 November 3rd- The Belmont Letter
1976 August 26th-The Deep Real Estate Ad
1977 June 8th- Steve McQueen Letter
1978 March 13th- The "I Am Back" Phone Call
1978 April 24th-The 1978 Letter
1978 May 2nd- The Channel Nine Letter
1978 July 19th- The Scotch Tape Letter
1981 March 8th- The Atlanta Letter
1982 January (?) - The Santa Claus Card
1986 May 6th- The Freeway Letter
1987 October 27th- The 1987 Letter
1988 February 1st- The McDonald's Letter
1988 February 8th- The McDonald's Letter [2]
1990 September 25th- The Celebrity Cypher
1990 December-American Greetings Card
1991-The Scorpion Ciphers to John Walsh
2001 January 10th- Happy New Year Card
Unknown DMV Letter (possibly Sept/Oct 1971)
1960 November 26th- Murders at Forest Park
1967 June 8th- Molina and Rodriguez Murders
1969 August 3rd - Snoozy & Furlong Murders
1969 November 21st- Gaul and Sharp Murders
1972 April 7th- Tamalpais Valley Attack
1986 April 22nd- Saechao and Saelee Murders
David Faraday & Betty Lou Jensen
Darlene Ferrin & Michael Mageau
Cecelia Shepard & Bryan Hartnell
Paul Stine
13 Hole Postcard
148 Character Cipher
1978 Letter
1986 Letter
1987 Letter
2001 Happy New Year Card
Albany Letter
Allan/Peyton Murders
Arthur Leigh Allen
Atlanta Letter
Betsy Aardsma
Blue Rock Springs Attack
Bus Bomb Letter
Button Letter
Call To Chat Show
Carol Beth Hilburn
Channel 9 Letter
Cheri Jo Bates
Cipher Theories
Citizen Card
Concerned Citizen Card
Confession Letter
Daniel Williams Poisoning
Debut Of Zodiac Letter
Deep Real Estate Ad
DMV Letter
Domingos/Edwards Murders
Donald Lee Bujok
Donna Lass
Dragon Card
Earl Van Best Jr
Eureka Card
Exorcist Letter
Fairfield Letter
Fingerprint Evidence
Forecast For Cancer
Forecast For Leo
Gareth Penn
General News Articles
Gilbert And Sullivan
Good Citizen Letter
Halloween Card
Hood/Garcia Murders
Internet Articles
Joan Webster
Johnny & Joyce Swindle
Judith Hakari
Kevin Robert Brooks
Lake Berryessa Attack
Lake Herman Road Murders
Lake Tahoe Disappearance
Larry Kane
Leona Roberts Murder
Los Angeles Letter
Melvin Belli Letter
Mike Morford (Morf13)
Modesto Attack
Molina/Rodriguez Murders
Monticello Card
My Name Is Letter
Nancy Bennallack
New Canaan Letters
Novato Letter
Oakland A's Letter
Pines Card
Possible Zodiac Attacks
Possible Zodiac Letters
Presidio Heights Murder
Red Phantom Letter
Richard Gaikowski
Riverside Desktop Poem
Robert Salem Murder
Ross Sullivan
Saechao/Saelee Murders
San Jose Code Letter
Santa Claus Card
Scorpion Ciphers
Scotch Tape Letter
Sla Letter
Tamalpais Valley Attack
Ted Kaczynski
Telegraph Avenue Incident
The 340 Cipher
The 408 Cipher
The Celebrity Cypher
The Little List
The Mikado
Thomas Horan
You Are Next Letter
Zodiac Letters Poll
Zodiac Postage
Zodiac Theories
Arthur Leigh Allen
Donald Lee Bujok
Richard Gaikowski
Theodore Kaczynski
Lawrence Kane
Rick Marshall
Jack Tarrance
Gareth Penn