They read as follows:
Q1. Slip of paper bearing hand printing beginning "Dear Gunny Kramer, This is the Zodiac speaking" and ending "take head Zodiac" [sic]. Should be heed.
Q2 Slip of paper bearing hand printing beginning "Dear Jim; Here I am again" and ending "the Zodiac & The Riddler".
The address at the top left of the FBI file reads Office of the Provost Marshall. 1st Marine Division (Rein), San Francisco 96602. The zip code being a non-designated land mass, Armed Forces Pacific, USA.
The only crumb I could note from these two communications was the phrase "Here I am again", vaguely reminiscent of the letter mailed to the San Francisco Chronicle on April 24th 1978, where the author declared "I am back with you. Tell herb caen I am here." I may also have identified Gunner Kramer in the 'Air Ground Team, Marine Amphibious Force', listed in the PLANS BRANCH as MCDC LNO (GND) MAJ KRAMER, R I. Dated 1968 through 1969. There was a Holebaeur, J F, Brown, J L, Waterstreet, J R and Bailey J R from the same PLANS BRANCH section. One of these men may have been the recipient of the second note.