Once "four radians and five inches" was placed in the code from character 9 to 32, only the word "estimate" satisfied the three repeating ciphertext characters in the 1 to 8 position in the code. The four radians and magnetic north of 246.2 degrees (229.2 + 17 degrees), fell slightly shy of Ingleside Police Station (SFPD), which was the target highlighted by the black circle within the crosshairs. You may come across a disingenuous individual cloaking his identity under the pseudonym of VT Squire, who insists that I manipulated the overlays to achieve a preconceived and desired result. However, as you can see in the 2020 article linked above, the accuracy was never exact. Four radians and magnetic north measured 246.2 degrees, while Ingleside Police Station sat at 251 degrees. Manipulating the overlays to produce an exact result would completely negate the point of having "estimate" in the Z32 code.

With the crosshairs "clock face" tilted close to magnetic north, line 9 falls over the Salesian High School.(9 o' clock position). Not only did somebody identifying as the Zodiac Killer target Daniel Williams with arsenic on November 2nd 1969, but the school where he worked was also targeted on November 9th 1969 by the Zodiac Killer, using a measurement of 5 radians. That's because the Zodiac Killer was responsible for both. The Zodiac Killer did exactly the same thing on June 26th 1970 (Button letter), when he used 4 radians to target the San Francisco Police Department (SFPD) with a bomb. On both the Phillips 66 map (mailed with the Button letter) and the Bus Bomb letter, the Zodiac Killer utilized the numbers on a clock face. In both instances, the 9 o' clock position has to be rotated clockwise by magnetic north to identify the target.