There was another report that a man was seen running on Del Monte Avenue at 8:16pm, about one minute after the earliest estimates of the murders (8:15pm) The shortest route from the top of the stairwell at Narragansett Avenue (above the crime scene) to Del Monte Avenue in a southerly direction is a journey of 558 feet. Typical walking speed is 4.6 feet per second, so if this was the killer running at approximately 10 feet per second, it would take him about 55.8 seconds to reach the western edge of Del Monte Avenue and correlate with the 8:16pm eyewitness sighting. This would have placed the man only 82 feet from the cliff edge.

If our killer was on foot heading to safety in the direction of his home (without a vehicle) and lived in San Diego, this may suggest that he didn't live anywhere north of Narragansett Avenue.because he was heading away from this location. He could have lived on Del Monte Avenue or further south such as Bacon St, Santa Cruz Ave, Coronado Ave, lower Cable St, or Del Mar Ave (or beyond). If on foot, it would just depend on what "buffer zone" he was prepared to implement between his residence and the crime scene, and how far he was prepared to travel on foot in the public gaze after committing a double murder with a gun in his possession.
We may all apply different standards to this conundrum but I doubt it would extend beyond a mile at most. The red circles below extend southwards about 1/4 to 1/3 of a mile from the crime scene. If this was the murderer of Johnny and Joyce Swindle spotted by an eyewitness, then his refusal to head a significant distance east when twice presented with the opportunity before he reached Del Monte Avenue, has the potential to narrow down the search for the killer's residnce or anchor point. The sighting of this individual running away from the crime scene is the nearest to the site of the murders and relevant to the time the shootings were believed to have occurred. This analysis is obviously highly dependent on a murderer who didn't park a getaway vehicle close to the crime scene, but it's a start.