Fast forward to May 1971 when the Zodiac Killer mailed the 148 character cipher and letter. This communication arrived just after the arrest and questioning of Karl Francis Werner for the April 11th 1971 murder of Kathy Bilek in Saratoga, and the distant murders of Kathie Reyne Snoozy (15) and Debra Gaye Furlong (14) in San Jose on August 3rd 1969. This clearly irked the Zodiac Killer, who after claiming the murders of Snoozy and Furlong in his Dripping Pen card on November 8th 1969, saw Karl Francis Werner as another individual stealing victims from under his nose, just like Eric Weill on the Jim Dunbar TV Show. Encoded within his 148 character cipher he urged police to "stop listening to phonys", using the description given to Eric Weill by homicide detectives in the San Francisco Chronicle article on February 6th 1970. The Zodiac Killer was likening Karl Francis Werner to Eric Weill and calling them both "phonys".
The Zodiac Killer was calling out Eric Weill in his 148 character cipher just as he had called him out in the 340 cipher, encrypting the wording "That wasn't me on the TV show". This shows that the author of the 148 character cipher had intrinsic knowledge to the contents of the 340 cipher plaintest, despite this cipher remaining unbroken for another 49 1/2 years. However, this wasn't the only thing that bound the two ciphers together under one author.
The 148 character cipher and letter stated that he would "skin 3 little kids and make a suit from the skin" if his cipher was not printed on the front page of the newspaper. The July 31st 1969 letters demanded newspapers that they printed the 408 cipher "on the front page of your paper". The Dripping Pen card communication also requested that the 340 cipher be placed on the "frunt page". Every lengthy cipher/communication wanted front page coverage for his cryptic offerings. But crucially, both the 340 cipher/Dripping Pen card and 148 character cipher were bound together through two victims. The Dripping Pen card inflated the known victim count from five to seven, adding "Aug" to the chronological list of months by including the murders of Snoozy and Furlong on August 3rd 1969 in San Jose. The 148 character cipher also included Snoozy and Furlong, along with Kathy Bilek, when he threatened to "skin 3 little kids and make a suit from the skin". The Zodiac Killed claimed he would "skin 3 little kids and make a suit from the skin" and "send a patch of human skin if there is some left over", but neither of these statements mentioned the potential murder of three kids. That is because he was referring to the three previous murder victims of Kathie Snoozy, Debra Furlong and Kathy Bilek.

His mother, Augusta Wilhelmine Gein (who died on December 29th 1945), was a domineering woman with an intense hatred for females, but whose death from a stroke left Edward Gein devastated and alone in the farmhouse. Soon after his mother's death, Gein began to create a "woman suit" so that "he could become his mother and literally crawl into her skin". He would achieve this by exhuming the bodies of recently deceased middle-aged women from local graveyards and using their skin to fashion his grizzly creations. The Zodiac Killer, who must have been aware of the Ed Gein story, clearly ran with this concept and threatened to exhume the bodies of Kathie Snoozy, Debra Furlong and Kathy Bilek, and "make a suit from the skin", just as Ed Gein had sourced graveyards for his skin. It's doubtful that the Zodiac Killer was ever going to follow up on this macabre threat, but he may have come close.

Just over two years later, on September 18th 1973, somebody removed a tombstone from the Oak Hill Memorial Cemetery in Monticello at First Street & Curtner Avenue, and deposited it at the gated front entrance. The tombstone had the pseudonym "Zodiac" written on it in crayon. There are good reasons to believe the Zodiac Killer committed this unsavoury act, because we know that the Zodiac Killer had a vested interest in the murder of Kathie Snoozy and the location of her burial site. Of all the places in America (or California) this could have occurred, somebody just happened to remove a tombstone from the Oak Hill Memorial Cemetery in Monticello and write "Zodiac" on it, despite the Monticello card never being released into the public domain. The card has been known to researchers in recent times, but was certainly not public knowledge on September 18th 1973. The person who removed the tombstone from the Oak Hill Memorial Cemetery in Monticello must have been the Zodiac Killer. The body of Kathie Snoozy wasn't exhumed in 1973, but the Zodiac Killer may have stood just six feet away from a victim he once claimed..