In the Dripping Pen card the Zodiac Killer was claiming the brutal stabbings of Kathie Reyne Snoozy & Debra Gaye Furlong on August 3rd 1969. On November 12th 1969, somebody featured in the San Francisco Chronicle used the San Jose double murder in their analysis of the Bus Bomb letter crosshairs, very likely concluding the "initial point" was Mount Diablo, without actually referring to the mountain by name. When you look at the five X's around the circumference, it's fairly obvious that they all sit on the left side of the crosshairs center (from 180 degrees to 330 degrees). They were positioned at 6, 8, 9, 10 and 11 on a clock face. Therefore, the "initial point" must be to the east of all the confirmed attack sites. When we attempt to line up the uppermost X with the Zodiac Killer's uppermost crime at Lake Berryessa, it becomes quickly apparent that only one position satisfies four of the X's on the circumference, and that one X represents both Lake Herman Road and Blue Rock Springs. If we draw a line through the Lake Herman Road and Blue Rock Springs attack sites, the line passes directly over the summit of Mount Diablo and beyond. By moving the crosshairs "initial point" along this line, we can see that only one position satisfies at least four of the X's.
The Zodiac Killer appeared to be using Mount Diablo as a reference point as early as November 9th 1969, when he mailed the Bus Bomb letter and supplied us with some crosshairs and five X's on its circumference. Using this diagram it is possible to determine that the Zodiac Killer was identifying Mount Diablo as his initial or center point. Mount Diablo was used for the purpose of land boundaries in the majority of Northern California and Nevada, with the summit used as the "initial point", the north/south meridian and the east/west baseline intersection point. However, because of the vastness of California, surveying required three "initial points" of Mount Diablo, Mount Pierce and the San Bernardino Mountain to form grid lines. The Zodiac Killer knew the prominence of Mount Diablo from an elevation standpoint, but very likely knew some of the history from a navigational perspective - and why he chose this mountain as his "initial point". In the Dripping Pen card the Zodiac Killer was claiming the brutal stabbings of Kathie Reyne Snoozy & Debra Gaye Furlong on August 3rd 1969. On November 12th 1969, somebody featured in the San Francisco Chronicle used the San Jose double murder in their analysis of the Bus Bomb letter crosshairs, very likely concluding the "initial point" was Mount Diablo, without actually referring to the mountain by name. When you look at the five X's around the circumference, it's fairly obvious that they all sit on the left side of the crosshairs center (from 180 degrees to 330 degrees). They were positioned at 6, 8, 9, 10 and 11 on a clock face. Therefore, the "initial point" must be to the east of all the confirmed attack sites. When we attempt to line up the uppermost X with the Zodiac Killer's uppermost crime at Lake Berryessa, it becomes quickly apparent that only one position satisfies four of the X's on the circumference, and that one X represents both Lake Herman Road and Blue Rock Springs. If we draw a line through the Lake Herman Road and Blue Rock Springs attack sites, the line passes directly over the summit of Mount Diablo and beyond. By moving the crosshairs "initial point" along this line, we can see that only one position satisfies at least four of the X's. The Zodiac Killer only gave us a rough drawing of his crosshairs, so any interpretation must take this into account. The above diagram, centered over Mount Diablo, lines up the five locations the Zodiac Killer was claiming as his murders (Lake Herman Road, Blue Rock Springs, Lake Berryessa, San Francisco and San Jose). The (unaccounted for) red line above, travels directly over the Salesian High School of Daniel Williams, who Zodiac targeted from October 23rd 1969 to November 5th 1969 by prowling his house, poisoning his drink, making malicious phone calls, and threatening to shoot him via the Martinez Police Department. His subtle threats continued in the Dripping Pen card and Bus Bomb letter, explained thoroughly in the article The Quest For Number Eight. This is why he wrote "PS. Be Shure to print the part I marked out on page 3 or I shall do my thing" next to the crosshairs on the Bus Bomb letter. That "thing" was a threatened attack on Salesian High School, depicted by the red line on the map. The orange line shows Magnetic North of 16.5 to 17.0 degrees in 1969. The tilted crosshairs are slightly shy of this mark. But remember, the Zodiac Killer only drew us a rough guide in his correspondence. These Bus Bomb crosshairs were the precursor to the Mount Diablo map on June 26th 1970, when the Zodiac Killer again used the mountain's "initial point" as a directional tool, but this time to locate a proposed bus bomb on the Southern Freeway by Ingleside Police Station, using four radians and five inches. The Mount Diablo Map and Code Solution.
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