In the Dripping Pen card the Zodiac Killer was claiming the brutal stabbings of Kathie Reyne Snoozy & Debra Gaye Furlong on August 3rd 1969. On November 12th 1969, somebody featured in the San Francisco Chronicle used the San Jose double murder in their analysis of the Bus Bomb letter crosshairs, very likely concluding the "initial point" was Mount Diablo, without actually referring to the mountain by name. When you look at the five X's around the circumference, it's fairly obvious that they all sit on the left side of the crosshairs center (from 180 degrees to 330 degrees). They were positioned at 6, 8, 9, 10 and 11 on a clock face. Therefore, the "initial point" must be to the east of all the confirmed attack sites. When we attempt to line up the uppermost X with the Zodiac Killer's uppermost crime at Lake Berryessa, it becomes quickly apparent that only one position satisfies four of the X's on the circumference, and that one X represents both Lake Herman Road and Blue Rock Springs. If we draw a line through the Lake Herman Road and Blue Rock Springs attack sites, the line passes directly over the summit of Mount Diablo and beyond. By moving the crosshairs "initial point" along this line, we can see that only one position satisfies at least four of the X's.
The Zodiac Killer appeared to be using Mount Diablo as a reference point as early as November 9th 1969, when he mailed the Bus Bomb letter and supplied us with some crosshairs and five X's on its circumference. Using this diagram it is possible to determine that the Zodiac Killer was identifying Mount Diablo as his initial or center point. Mount Diablo was used for the purpose of land boundaries in the majority of Northern California and Nevada, with the summit used as the "initial point", the north/south meridian and the east/west baseline intersection point. However, because of the vastness of California, surveying required three "initial points" of Mount Diablo, Mount Pierce and the San Bernardino Mountain to form grid lines. The Zodiac Killer knew the prominence of Mount Diablo from an elevation standpoint, but very likely knew some of the history from a navigational perspective - and why he chose this mountain as his "initial point". In the Dripping Pen card the Zodiac Killer was claiming the brutal stabbings of Kathie Reyne Snoozy & Debra Gaye Furlong on August 3rd 1969. On November 12th 1969, somebody featured in the San Francisco Chronicle used the San Jose double murder in their analysis of the Bus Bomb letter crosshairs, very likely concluding the "initial point" was Mount Diablo, without actually referring to the mountain by name. When you look at the five X's around the circumference, it's fairly obvious that they all sit on the left side of the crosshairs center (from 180 degrees to 330 degrees). They were positioned at 6, 8, 9, 10 and 11 on a clock face. Therefore, the "initial point" must be to the east of all the confirmed attack sites. When we attempt to line up the uppermost X with the Zodiac Killer's uppermost crime at Lake Berryessa, it becomes quickly apparent that only one position satisfies four of the X's on the circumference, and that one X represents both Lake Herman Road and Blue Rock Springs. If we draw a line through the Lake Herman Road and Blue Rock Springs attack sites, the line passes directly over the summit of Mount Diablo and beyond. By moving the crosshairs "initial point" along this line, we can see that only one position satisfies at least four of the X's. The Zodiac Killer only gave us a rough drawing of his crosshairs, so any interpretation must take this into account. The above diagram, centered over Mount Diablo, lines up the five locations the Zodiac Killer was claiming as his murders (Lake Herman Road, Blue Rock Springs, Lake Berryessa, San Francisco and San Jose). The (unaccounted for) red line above, travels directly over the Salesian High School of Daniel Williams, who Zodiac targeted from October 23rd 1969 to November 5th 1969 by prowling his house, poisoning his drink, making malicious phone calls, and threatening to shoot him via the Martinez Police Department. His subtle threats continued in the Dripping Pen card and Bus Bomb letter, explained thoroughly in the article The Quest For Number Eight. This is why he wrote "PS. Be Shure to print the part I marked out on page 3 or I shall do my thing" next to the crosshairs on the Bus Bomb letter. That "thing" was a threatened attack on Salesian High School, depicted by the red line on the map. The orange line shows Magnetic North of 16.5 to 17.0 degrees in 1969. The tilted crosshairs are slightly shy of this mark. But remember, the Zodiac Killer only drew us a rough guide in his correspondence. These Bus Bomb crosshairs were the precursor to the Mount Diablo map on June 26th 1970, when the Zodiac Killer again used the mountain's "initial point" as a directional tool, but this time to locate a proposed bus bomb on the Southern Freeway by Ingleside Police Station, using four radians and five inches. The Mount Diablo Map and Code Solution.
During the height of Zodiac activity, sandwiched between the murder of Paul Stine in Presidio Heights on October 11th 1969 and the mailing of the infamous 340 cipher on November 8th 1969, one man stared pensively out of the window in search of a prowler that was stalking his house, equally disturbed by the inevitability that his phone at some point would burst into life, threatening death at the other end. That man was Daniel Williams, a Salesian High School teacher in the city of Richmond, living at 1234 Bush Street in Martinez. Almost certainly one and the same, this prowler had been calling Daniel Williams' residence from October 23rd 1969 to November 2nd 1969, which culminated in his pursuer lacing his 7-Up soft drink with more than enough arsenic to kill. Police had been summoned to his residence on November 2nd 1969 when he noticed the screen door of his house had been pried open, however, they left shortly thereafter when it was determined nothing had been stolen. A short time later, Daniel Williams went to his refrigerator for some light refreshment and took a swig of 7-Up. Had he swallowed after noticing the metallic tasting drink, he most certainly would have died alone on his kitchen floor. The person who called Daniel Williams on numerous occasions threatening his murder claimed to be none other than the Zodiac Killer. Somebody pretending to be the Zodiac Killer by phone or mail is one thing, but this person had intended to kill. Daniel Williams was a 24-year-old school teacher at the very beginning of his life, so one can only wonder how it came to pass that somebody felt the persistent need to target this man over a period of thirteen days, when finally, on November 5th 1969, somebody rang the Martinez Police Department at 12:30 am stating "There's going to be a shooting at 1234 Bush Street", before immediately hanging the receiver up. If Daniel Williams had a hidden enemy with a grudge, not only was he apparently unaware of this animosity toward him, but why would this person telegraph his intent over a two week period by way of malicious phone calls. The notion of somebody attempting to kill the school teacher, while passing it off as a Zodiac crime over a prolonged period, appears a rather convoluted approach, when the perpetrator could simply have killed Daniel Williams and then made a phone call or mailed a letter taking responsibility as the Zodiac Killer. Ringing a police department and making threats to kill, in advance of comitting the act, seems to negate the opportunity of surprise and allows the intended victim to take preparatory steps. When we consider the contents of the November 8th and 9th communications by the Zodiac Killer, only three days after the phone call to the Martinez Police Department on November 5th 1969, another possibility begins to materialize. The person behind the phone calls to Daniel Williams' house and the Martinez Police Department, along with the prowling incidents, had also made threats toward a Martinez school. When he rang the school teacher, the caller stated he "had gone to a Martinez school in search of victims but left when he found police there". In light of the Zodiac Killer's desire to murder schoolchildren during the month of October, the claim of searching for victims at a nearby school should have raised significant alarm bells. The persistence of this stalker may not have stopped on November 5th 1969, when the Zodiac Killer's Dripping Pen card arrived at the San Francisco Chronicle, stating "I though you would nead a good laugh before you hear the bad news. You won't get the news for a while yet". This phrase had all the hallmarks of activity ongoing, which had yet to reach its conclusion, backed up by the letter which arrived at the Chronicle the following day. In the Bus Bomb letter mailed on November 9th 1969, the Zodiac Killer made obvious that his victim count was only totalled "up to the end of Oct", suggestive of ongoing action between October 31st 1969 and the current mailing date. This apparent desire to add an eighth victim to his total, in light of a man claiming to be the Zodiac Killer and ringing the Martinez Police Department on November 5th 1969 with the threat of murder, appeared to indicate he was not finished yet. Or at the very least, this is what he wanted us to believe. The nature of the attack on Daniel Williams by way of arsenic poisoning, seemed to fit with the opening paragraph of the November 9th 1969 letter, in which the Zodiac Killer vented his frustration and promised to alter his approach to murder. He directly addressed law enforcement, remarking that "I have grown rather angry with the police for their telling lies about me. So I shall change the way the collecting of slaves. I shall no longer announce to anyone. When I committ my murders, they shall look like routine robberies, killings of anger, + a few fake accidents, etc". However, it's what he said next that may link the Zodiac Killer to the malicious phone calls perpetrated on Daniel Williams. The caller to 1234 Bush Street claimed he was thwarted by police outside a Martinez school during his search for victims, but they wouldn't catch him because, as he stated “I’m too smart for them". The next line of the Bus Bomb letter, after promising to change his way of collecting slaves, was to ridicule police by asserting that "The police shall never catch me, because I have been too clever for them". This could be argued as the Zodiac Killer reading the newspapers and mimicking the wording in the written text to plant a seed of his involvement in the Daniel Williams stalking. If this was his intention, it was so subtle, it went ignored for 51 years. The police probably believed this prolonged attack on Daniel Williams was just another successor in a long line of Zodiac hoaxers, but this supposed hoaxer was not only determined, he was prepared to kill to imitate the Zodiac Killer. In the early morning hours of October 22nd 1969, somebody claiming to be the Zodiac Killer called the Oakland Police Department and requested that Francis Lee Bailey or Melvin Mouron Belli appear on the Jim Dunbar Show at KGO Radio in San Francisco, to which he would ring in. Somebody did ring the chat show, but this caller was later identified as mental patient, Eric Weill. However, we still don't know to this day whether the original caller to the Oakland Police Department was the Zodiac Killer or not, because the genuine Zodiac Killer only stated "That wasn't me on the TV show" in his now decrypted 340 cipher. At no point did he deny being the caller to the Oakland Police Department. Probably the most important question to ask, is why would the Zodiac Killer choose to ring the Oakland Police Department above any other. There appeared no connection between the Zodiac Killer and Oakland prior to October 22nd 1969. However, this was also the case on October 15th 1969, when the Zodiac Killer almost certainly phoned the Santa Rosa Police Department to threaten schoolchildren on buses, who then implemented the routine checking of every school bus for hidden bombs. This caller, claiming to be the Zodiac Killer, was threatening schoolchildren two days before the details of "School children make nice targets, I think I shall wipe out a school bus some morning" was released by the San Francisco Chronicle, and one day before it was released by the Los Angeles Times. . On October 21st 1969, the day before the Oakland Police Department call, somebody claiming to be the Zodiac Killer rang the Palo Alto Times newspaper. The Palo Alto Times reported on October 22nd 1969, that Patrol cars convoyed school buses around Palo Alto yesterday after a telephoned murder threat by a man claiming to be the Zodiac killer of five persons. The caller to the Palo Alto Times said he intended to "pick the kids off as they get on the school bus". The weird slayer, who signs himself "The Zodiac", made a similar threat in a letter to the San Francisco Chronicle last week after the Oct. 11 shooting of a taxi driver. This would come only six days after the Santa Rosa threat on schoolchildren. The caller also stated to the Palo Alto Times that he had left San Francisco "because I'm too hot there". On December 7th 1969, somebody claiming to be the Zodiac Killer rang commercial radio station KTOK in Oklahoma City, claiming he left California "because it got too hot for me". There was a further call on December 19th 1969, the day before the Melvin Belli letter, threatening "I am going to kill five of you officers and a family of five between now and Monday". This call was received by Shirley Searey, a police dispatcher at the San Jose Highway Patrol. Captain Martin Lee stated, after the Zodiac Killer's October 13th 1969 letter: "His boast of being in the area we were searching was a lie. We had the whole area flooded with lights. We had seven police dogs and a large number of patrolmen searching the area tree by tree and bush by bush. The dogs are the best in the country". Captain Lee added that Zodiac's failure to mention the dogs and floodlights was proof "he wasn't anywhere in the vicinity". The Zodiac Killer responded on November 9th 1969 with "I have grown rather angry with the police for their telling lies about me. The dogs never came with in 2 blocks of me + they were to the west + there was only 2 groups of parking about 10 min apart then the motor cicles went by about 150 ft away going from south to north west". However, this ire likely began on October 15th 1969, when the San Francisco Chronicle failed to publish his threat on schoolchildren, resulting in his phone call to the Santa Rosa Police Department. The call to Oakland Police Department on October 22nd 1969 may have been triggered by these perceived slights from law enforcement. By avoiding the San Francisco Police Department and calling the Oakland Police Department on October 22nd 1969, the Zodiac Killer could request a prominent attorney to represent him on the Jim Dunbar Show, and set the record straight on the misinformation and lies spoken about him by Captain Martin Lee to the San Francisco Chronicle. This TV audience on the popular Jim Dunbar Show in San Francisco may have been the ideal way to set the record straight, circumventing the San Francisco Police Department and San Francisco Chronicle and receiving maximum exposure. Ultimately, the Zodiac Killer may have had second thoughts, surmising that it could have led to somebody identifying him. This hesitancy opened the door to hoaxer Eric Weill. Despite the phone call to the Jim Dunbar Show having been roundly dismissed as the Zodiac Killer "by three who knew", the murderer of five still felt compelled to disassociate himself from being the caller to the TV show, by mailing a cryptogram and greeting card on November 8th 1969. If the Zodiac Killer had rang the Oakland Police Department on October 22nd 1969 with the intention of appearing on the Jim Dunbar TV show and setting the record straight concerning Captain Martin Lee and the San Francisco Police Department - then having not done so - one would have expected his next communication to do exactly that. Therefore, it's no surprise that the Bus Bomb letter on November 9th 1969 was the Zodiac Killer's longest communication of them all, attacking the police with the venom he so wanted to do with a captive TV audience. The two communications on November 8th 1969 and November 9th 1969, inextricably bound by his failure to appear on the Jim Dunbar Show just over two weeks earlier. The phone calls wouldn't stop there, when Daniel Williams (24), a Salesian High School teacher, started to receive malicious phone calls to his 1234 Bush Street, Martinez residence on October 23rd 1969. These calls continued for ten days and culminated with somebody breaking into his residence on November 2nd 1969 and lacing his 7-Up soft drink with enough arsenic to kill. The caller, claiming to be the Zodiac Killer, told Daniel Williams over the phone that he "had gone to a Martinez school in search of victims but left when he found police there", mocking law enforcement by stating “I’m too smart for them". This was considered particularly relevant because of the language Zodiac adopted on November 9th 1969 in the Bus Bomb letter mailed to the San Francisco Chronicle of "The police shall never catch me, because I have been too clever for them". On Wednesday, November 5th 1969, somebody rang the Martinez Police Department at 12:30 am stating "There's going to be a shooting at 1234 Bush Street", before immediately hanging up. The threat to find victims at a Martinez school, coupled with the menacing phone calls, were not dissimilar to recent Zodiac activity during the month of October. After the threat to shoot Daniel Williams at his residence, police instigated surveillance in the immediate area of Bush Street for the remainder of that morning, but no suspicious activity was detected. The next Zodiac Killer communications would be postmarked just two and three days later, with the promise of more bad news and a victim count left dangling at the end of October. If the perpetrator of the crimes inflicted upon Daniel Williams wasn't the Zodiac Killer, then it was a pretty determined hoaxer claiming to be him. The call to Oakland Police Department was made on October 22nd 1969, with the threats on Daniel Williams beginning just a day later, on October 23rd 1969. The Salesian High School where Daniel Williams worked, only thirteen miles north of the Oakland Police Department. When we place all of this in context, does it indicate that the Zodiac Killer was likely the caller to Oakland Police Department on October 22nd 1969, or did Eric Weill just spontaneously call law enforcement because he had nothing better to do at the time? Daniel Williams (24), a Salesian High School teacher, started to receive malicious phone calls to his 1234 Bush Street, Martinez residence on October 23rd 1969. These calls continued for ten days and culminated with somebody breaking into his residence on November 2nd 1969 and lacing his 7-Up soft drink with enough arsenic to kill. The caller, claiming to be the Zodiac Killer, told Daniel Williams over the phone that he "had gone to a Martinez school in search of victims but left when he found police there", mocking law enforcement by stating “I’m too smart for them". This was considered particularly relevant because of the language Zodiac adopted on November 9th 1969 in the Bus Bomb letter mailed to the San Francisco Chronicle of "The police shall never catch me, because I have been too clever for them". The Zodiac Killer's wording was also considered suspicious in the Dripping Pen card, when on November 8th 1969 he stated "This is the Zodiac speaking. I though you would nead a good laugh before you hear the bad news. You won't get the news for a while yet". The wording smacked of unfinished business, especially when you consider that he wrote "up to the end of Oct I have killed 7 people" in the following communication. It was now November 9th 1969, but he made a point of claiming seven victims only up to the end of October. These sections of text highly suggestive he was in the process of acquiring victim number eight. That victim could very well have entailed the ongoing pursuit of the Richmond High School teacher, Daniel Williams, to which this number had been reserved. These ideas may be speculative, but the story doesn't end there. After the November 2nd 1969 attempted poisoning, Daniel Williams reported to police that the prowlings he had experienced around his residence during the time of the sadistic phone calls, continued after the break-in and failed poisoning. The persistent threats on the life of Daniel Williams would also fail to cease. On Wednesday, November 5th 1969, somebody rang the Martinez Police Department at 12:30 am stating "There's going to be a shooting at 1234 Bush Street", before immediately hanging up. The threat to find victims at a Martinez school, coupled with the menacing phone calls were not dissimilar to recent Zodiac activity during the month of October. After the threat to shoot Daniel Williams at his residence, police instigated surveillance in the immediate area of Bush Street for the remainder of that morning, but no suspicious activity was detected. The next Zodiac Killer communications would be postmarked just two and three days later, with the promise of more bad news and a victim count left dangling at the end of October. If the perpetrator of the crimes inflicted upon Daniel Williams wasn't the Zodiac Killer, then it was a pretty determined hoaxer claiming to be him. In the sadistic phone calls to Daniel Williams the caller also promised to "kill the lady in the blue house". On November 21st 1969, San Jose Police had to provide 24-hour surveillance for a woman, after somebody claiming to be the Zodiac Killer mailed a threatening letter identifying her as the target. The letter was accompanied by the wording "There's no doubt I will do my Thing!" reminiscent of the Dripping Pen card of "I could do my Thing". Of course, we don't know whether the threats in Martinez and San Jose were the infamous Zodiac Killer, but they certainly could have been. The hostility exhibited by the Zodiac Killer toward police began on November 9th 1969 when he responded to what he believed were disparaging remarks by SFPD's Captain Martin Lee. In the San Francisco Chronicle on October 18th 1969 under the headline Zodiac Called a Clumsy Criminal, the newspaper listed the mistakes it believed were made by the Zodiac Killer. Captain Martin Lee stated "His boast of being in the area we were searching was a lie. We had the whole area flooded with lights. We had seven police dogs and a large number of patrolmen searching the area tree by tree and bush by bush. The dogs are the best in the country". Captain Lee added that Zodiac's failure to mention the dogs and floodlights was proof "he wasn't anywhere in the vicinity". The Zodiac Killer responded on November 9th 1969 with "I have grown rather angry with the police for their telling lies about me. The dogs never came with in 2 blocks of me + they were to the west + there was only 2 groups of parking about 10 min apart then the motor cicles went by about 150 ft away going from south to north west". Captain Martin Lee also appeared on a KPIX News report on November 12th 1969, responding to the November 8th and November 9th communications. He mentioned the Zodiac Killer's aggressive temperament in the Bus Bomb letter, noting the shift in "tenor of this letter as opposed to the others. For the first time he has demonstrated a hostility toward police. Now we are blue pigs and such remarks as that. He has never been particularly interested in our profession before this". Just over three weeks later this hostility would continue, when on December 7th 1969 the Zodiac Killer mailed a letter from Fairfield promising to "kill again, so expect it anytime. The will be a cop". He would continue the threats on police in his following letter on December 16th 1969. In this letter he immediately began with "this state is in troulbe..I will go for the Goverment life", suggesting a shift in the Zodiac Killer's thinking to more high profile targets. Law enforcement operates primarily through governmental police agencies in the United States, so the threat to target "government life", bearing in mind his threat to kill a cop on December 7th 1969, it's a reasonable assumption that "government life" = cops. Especially when he listed a potential thirty-eight police targets at the foot of the December 16th 1969 letter. The shift exhibited toward police was brought about by the comments of Captain Martin Lee, resulting in the introduction to the Bus Bomb letter of "This is the Zodiac speaking up to the end of Oct I have killed 7 people. I have grown rather angry with the police for their telling lies about me. So I shall change the way the collecting of slaves. I shall no longer announce to anyone. When I committ my murders, they shall look like routine robberies, killings of anger, + a few fake accidents, etc". Followed by the two Fairfield letters in December.
However, there was one other shift in the Zodiac Killer's communications subsequent to the KPIX interview with Captain Martin Lee on November 12th 1969. The police chief stated "I think the rambling, careless appearance of his notes is also a disguise. The cryptograms when he makes them can be absolute works of art as far as alignment both vertically and horizontally and space between the characters is concerned. I think that goes more toward the true picture of a man than the rambling notes that we've gotten". Captain Martin Lee believed the organized cryptograms structured like "works of art" were more toward the true picture of the Zodiac Killer. The next letter to a San Francisco newspaper was........ The Zodiac Killer was extremely annoyed when he didn't get the publicity he felt he deserved, writing to the San Francisco Examiner on August 4th 1969 and informing the newspaper: "I was not happy to see that I did not get front page coverage". Page three of the Bus Bomb communication about "2 cops pulled a goof" insisted that the Chronicle "must print in paper", following it up on page six with "PS. Be shure to print the part I marked out on page 3 or I shall do my thing". On December 16th 1969 the Zodiac Killer mailed a letter from Fairfield demanding "you better print". Subsequent to his October 13th 1969 letter claiming the killing of Paul Stine, the Bus Bomb letter was the immediate communication in which he elaborated upon the details of this crime, and the first and only time he highlighted a specific section of text, demanding "must print in paper".. One has to ask, what prompted the Zodiac Killer to highlight these sixteen lines of text and insist they are not omitted from the newspaper? This is the section of text where he claimed officers Donald Fouke and Eric Zelms stopped and spoke to him, before he directed them away from the crime scene on a wild goose chase. The details of this interaction (whether the officers stopped him or not) was never publicized in the newspapers prior to the arrival of the Bus Bomb letter. This clearly irritated the Zodiac Killer enough for him to demand its publication. This insistence of "must print in paper" was probably caused by the failure of the San Francisco Chronicle to publicize his threat on schoolchildren twenty-five days earlier. The Zodiac wrote in his October 13th 1969 letter "I am the murderer of the taxi driver over by Washington St + Maple St last night, to prove this here is a blood stained piece of his shirt. I am the same man who did in the people in the north bay area.The S.F. Police could have caught me last night if they had searched the park properly instead of holding road races with their motorcicles seeing who could make the most noise. The car drivers should have just parked their cars and sat there quietly waiting for me to come out of cover. School children make nice targets, I think I shall wipe out a school bus some morning. Just shoot out the front tire + then pick off the kiddies as they come bouncing out". Unfortunately for the Zodiac Killer, the San Francisco Chronicle omitted the final paragraph (highlighted in blue). Law enforcement instructed the Chronicle newspaper to whitewash this section of text until they considered the best course of action, not wanting to instil widespread panic in the local community. The newspaper duly obliged on October 15th 1969, when under the banner of The Boastful Slayer they carried no mention of the threat on schoolchildren. This must have irked the Zodiac Killer, who delivered a malicious phone call to Santa Rosa on the same day, threatening to kill schoolchildren by way of a bomb on a school bus. This call, not only coincided with the October 15th 1969 newspaper article, but it carried the same threat as the omitted Zodiac text, almost certainly confirming that the phone caller to Santa Rosa was the Zodiac Killer. But why did the Zodiac Killer threaten Santa Rosa rather than the San Francisco Police Department? Although this cannot be proven, I doubt the Zodiac Killer phoned the Santa Rosa Police Department or the Press Democrat newspaper, and just stated "I am the Zodiac and I am going to blow up a school bus and kill kids in Santa Rosa", before hanging up. It is extremely likely this threat was inspired by the omission of text from the Chronicle, and he promised to kill schoolchildren in Santa Rosa and other locations in the Bay Area if the San Francisco Chronicle didn't include the omitted threats from his original letter on October 13th 1969. It is possible that Santa Rosa authorities contacted the police in San Francisco, who backpedaled their initial decision to avoid more widespread threats. Two days later, on October 17th 1969, the Chronicle newspaper published the threat on schoolchildren under the headline of Astrologer Joins Hunt for Killer. Their decision to omit Zodiac's text was reversed inside of forty-eight hours. This demand to print wouldn't be forgotten by the Zodiac Killer on November 9th 1969. Three days after the Bus Bomb letter, on November 12th 1969, the San Francisco Chronicle under the banner of Zodiac's New Message printed the entirety of the "2 cops pulled a goof" section that Zodiac demanded they publish, which coincidentally fell on the same day as Officer Donald Fouke's interdepartmental memorandum of his encounter with a WMA on Jackson Street, shortly after the murder of Paul Stine. The Zodiac Killer's demand of "must print in paper" may have worked on both October 15th 1969 and November 9th 1969 - and why they are most likely the same person. ASSOCIATED ARTICLE: PROOF:OCTOBER 15TH 1969 SANTA ROSA CALLER WAS THE ZODIAC KILLER From October 23rd 1969 to November 2nd 1969, Daniel Williams, a Richmond High School teacher received a series of sadistic phone calls that culminated in somebody attempting to kill him by lacing his soft drink with arsenic. Had he not noticed the metallic taste and spat it out, Daniel Williams would have been a "dead duck" as the caller had promised. In a letter to the San Francisco Chronicle postmarked October 13th 1969, the Zodiac Killer threatened to "wipe out a school bus some morning. Just shoot out the front tire + then pick off the kiddies as they come bouncing out". A telephone threat to bomb a school bus and kill children from somebody claiming to be the Zodiac Killer was targeted at Santa Rosa on October 15th 1969, prior to the details about "wiping out a school bus and picking off the kiddies" had been released by the newspapers. There were reports of a possible gunshot being heard by a Santa Rosa bus driver on October 17th 1969. These threats on schoolchildren brought a massive response from school officials and law enforcement, who laid out extensive measures to combat the perceived threat by the Zodiac Killer. Extra security to the buses also came in the form of police vehicles shadowing the schoolchildren to and from their respective schools. On October 21st 1969, the San Francisco Chronicle released an article entitled Fear Rides the Yellow Bus, stating "A climate of fear hangs over the Napa Valley. The fear is over "Zodiac" and his terrifying boast to "wipe out a school bus". No one takes the threat lightly, Zodiac has already struck here. The task of trying to insure the safety of 10,000 youngsters who ride the Napa Valley Unified School District is immense". It was two days later that Daniel Williams started receiving menacing phone calls from a caller claiming to be the infamous Zodiac Killer. The caller stated that "he intended to kill several persons" and on one occasion said he "had gone to a Martinez school in search of victims but left when he found police there". Bearing in mind the heightened security around school buses and therefore school premises, this was entirely plausible. This could easily have been interpreted as an empty threat from another hoaxer, but it's a fair assumption that the phone caller and arsenic poisoner were one and the same. There were probably many idle hoaxers latching onto the Zodiac case during this period of uncertainty, but I doubt many were prepared to back up their threats with murder, as was the case in the attempted poisoning of Daniel Williams. If this person was prepared to kill a school teacher, then it's not beyond the realms of possibility he was prepared to kill schoolchildren in Martinez (where Daniel Williams lived) or the city of Richmond, where Daniel Williams taught at Salesian High School. If this was the Zodiac Killer, how did it come to be that Daniel Williams was selected as a possible target by the Bay Area murder? The Zodiac Killer may have selected Daniel Williams by staking out his school and following him home. He now has a credible victim who police won't dismiss as an attention seeker. Daniel Williams also teaches schoolchildren, making him the ideal target for the Zodiac Killer. When Daniel Williams relays the details of the "Zodiac" phone calls to police, such as the man claiming he "had gone to a Martinez school in search of victims but left when he found police there", it adds veracity to the threats in the current climate. In the mind of the Zodiac Killer, he knew that these phone calls would be readily dismissed as just another hoax by police, so he needed to elevate these threats to the next level and show law enforcement he wasn't just playing games. The Zodiac Killer, by poisoning the soft drink of Daniel Williams with arsenic, having previously stated he "had gone to a Martinez school in search of victims but left when he found police there", must have concluded that his visit to a Martinez school, in accompaniment to Daniel Williams being a Richmond school teacher, was more than enough to occupy law enforcement on several fronts. He may have thought that if the police didn't take the threat of murder seriously, then they would likely take nothing seriously. With the failed poisoning on November 2nd 1969, the Zodiac Killer wrote in the Bus Bomb letter "up to the end of Oct I have killed 7 people", possibly indicating he hadn't yet finished with Daniel Williams (or possibly wanted us to believe that). When the phone caller to Daniel Williams mentioned his visit to a Martinez school, he concluded that police would never catch him because he was "too smart for them". In the Bus Bomb letter on November 9th 1969, the Zodiac Killer stated "The police shall never catch me, because I have been too clever for them". The Zodiac Killer was certainly a clever wordsmith, but was he responsible for the attempted murder of Daniel Williams? The Zodiac Killer often responded to the newspaper articles written about him, usually in close proximity to their release. The Dripping Pen card had likely been purchased subsequent to the morning of October 25th 1969 in response to the last San Francisco Chronicle article by Paul Avery. If the 340 character cipher had been specifically designed to compliment this card, then it too was crafted subsequent to October 25th 1969. As the title attributed to this communication suggests, this greeting card featured a dripping pen on its front face, accompanied by the wording "Sorry I haven't written, but I just washed my pen". The Avery article read "Zodiac struck last on October 11 when he gunned down cab-driver Paul Stine on Washington Street in Presidio Heights. He revealed himself the killer in a letter sent to the Chronicle three days later. Since then he has remained silent". Bearing in mind the wording "since then he has remained silent", it could be argued that the chosen card of "Sorry I haven't written" was purposefully selected in response to this article - and therefore chosen by the Zodiac Killer after October 25th 1969. The paragraph in the newspaper article also referred to Washington Street, thereby completing the phrase on the card "but I just washed my pen". The last observation is probably a little far-fetched, and heavily reliant on the Zodiac Killer being able to find a greeting card apologizing for being silent, as well as containing a word related to Washington Street. Extremely unlikely, but not impossible. Then, the day before the November 9th 1969 'Bus Bomb' letter, came the newspaper article detailing the attempted murder of Richmond school teacher, Daniel Williams. Somebody claiming to be the Zodiac Killer made sadistic phone calls spanning October 23rd 1969 and November 2nd 1969, and culminating in a soft drink in his refrigerator being laced with arsenic. This failed murder plot may have inspired the Zodiac Killer (if the poisoner) to insinuate his continued pursuit of Daniel Williams, by stating "I though you would nead a good laugh before you hear the bad news" and "up to the end of Oct I have killed 7 people". On November 12th 1969, the San Francisco Chronicle released information on the Dripping Pen card and Bus Bomb letter under the banner of I've Killed Seven, The Zodiac Claims. This newspaper article featured the observations of an individual with respect to the X's on the Bus Bomb crosshairs (see right). This observation was suggested in the article The Promise of Murder on Line 5. I believe the person who initially made this suggestion was almost certainly correct. However, when I floated this idea on November 23rd 2020, I was fully aware of the Mount Diablo map and crosshairs accompanying the Button letter, which was mailed to the San Francisco Chronicle on June 26th 1970. I positioned the Bus Bomb crosshairs over Mount Diablo and rotated them slightly clockwise, so that a line drawn from the peak of Mount Diablo through four of the five X's passed directly over Lake Berryessa, Vallejo (where two attacks occurred), San Francisco and San Jose. When we consider that this person made the observation on November 12th 1969, seven-and-a-half months before the Mount Diablo map was mailed by the Zodiac Killer (on June 26th 1970), the interpretation by this individual is extremely intriguing. The five cross marks cannot directly pinpoint the five claimed attacks in Benicia, Vallejo, Lake Berryessa, Presidio Heights and San Jose by superimposing them over a map. If you arrange any two X's over Lake Herman Road and Blue Rock Springs, the other three X's will never fall over Lake Berryessa, Presidio Heights and San Jose. The only way it is possible, is by placing the crosshairs over Mount Diablo (rotated clockwise} and drawing lines through the X's on the circumference. But this still leaves the 9 o' clock line unaccounted for. This is where Daniel Williams, the Richmond school teacher comes in. The sadistic phone caller to Daniel Williams may have wanted to target schoolchildren at the Richmond school where he worked (Salesian High School falls over the line drawn through the 9 o' clock position}. This is covered in the article A Killer on Line Five. The newspaper article stated "Zodiac's letter contained five cross marks which possibly refer to attacks. Comparing these markings against a map, one interpretation that can be drawn is that they pinpoint Lake Berryessa, Vallejo (where two attacks occurred}, San Francisco and San Jose". It was effectively saying that five cross marks could pinpoint four locations (identifying Vallejo as the location where two attacks occurred). Despite classifying Lake Herman Road as Vallejo, the tight grouping of the first two attacks on the map would allow the observer to reach the same conclusion as shown in the above map. After all, this person didn't say "Zodiac's letter contained five cross marks which possibly refer to five attacks". The Zodiac Killer likely chose Mount Diablo because of its use when surveying land boundaries in Northern California, with the summit used as the "initial point". Was it possible that the person behind the interpretation on November 12th 1969 had correctly identified Mount Diablo as the "initial point" to center the crosshairs over, by using the same reasoning as Zodiac? The Zodiac Killer himself classified Lake Herman Road and Blue Rock Springs under the banner of Vallejo (evident on Bryan Hartnell's car door), so when he provided five cross marks to signify four general locations, he was deliberately leaving the 9 o' clock line as a puzzle to the location of his next attack. He employed exactly the same technique, when substituting the X around the crosshairs with a bold, black circle around the circumference of the crosshairs on July 26th 1970, again designed to pinpoint the location of his next attack. On this occasion, it would be a school bus traveling on the Southern Freeway by Ingleside Police Station, positioned at 4 radians and magnetic north. October 22nd 1969: PALO ALTO (AP) - Patrol cars convoyed school buses around Palo Alto yesterday after a telephoned murder threat by a man claiming to be the Zodiac killer of five persons. The caller to the Palo Alto Times said he intended to "pick the kids off as they get on the school bus." The weird slayer, who signs himself "The Zodiac," made a similar threat in a letter to the San Francisco Chronicle last week after the Oct. 11 shooting of a taxi driver. Handwriting tests and descriptions of two victims who survived have convinced police that the same person. The district transportation supervisor said an armed guard might ride with each of the system's 25 buses. Officers in Napa and Vallejo, areas of the first three murderous attacks, some 75 miles north of Palo Alto, have been convoying police officers. Palo Alto Police Chief William Hydie called the new threat "extremely serious," but warned against over reaction to what might be a crank call. This threat was extremely similar to the October 13th 1969 letter, in which the Zodiac Killer claimed "School children make nice targets, I think I shall wipe out a school bus some morning. Just shoot out the front tire + then pick off the kiddies as they come bouncing out". At no point in either the October 13th 1969 letter or the Palo Alto telephone call did the perpetrator claim anything other than "picking off the kiddies as they come bouncing out" or "picking the kids off as they get on the school bus". The emphasis was squarely on shooting schoolchildren in close proximity to a school bus. The mailing of the Bus Bomb letter on November 9th 1969 was the first time the Zodiac Killer suggested he was going to blow up a school bus by use of a bomb. He mocked the police who believed he was going to "pick off kids" by use of a firearm. The Zodiac Killer stated "If you cops think I'm going to take on a bus the way I stated I was, you deserve to have holes in your heads". He continued "What you do not know is whether the death machine is at the sight or whether it is being stored in my basement for future use. I think you do not have the manpower to stop this one by continually searching the road sides looking for this thing. + it wont do to re roat + re schedule the busses because the bomb can be adapted to new conditions". It was painfully clear that the Zodiac Killer was intimating the use of a bomb to kill schoolchildren. However, the November 9th 1969 communication may not have been the Zodiac Killer's first contact with police with respect to blowing up a school bus. This threat was telephoned through to the Santa Rosa Police Department a matter of days after the Paul Stine murder on October 11th 1969. The call arrived on, or shortly before October 15th 1969. On October 21st 1969, the San Francisco Chronicle released an article entitled Fear Rides the Yellow Bus, stating "A climate of fear hangs over the Napa Valley. The fear is over "Zodiac" and his terrifying boast to "wipe out a school bus". No one takes the threat lightly, Zodiac has already struck here. The task of trying to insure the safety of 10,000 youngsters who ride the Napa Valley Unified School District is immense. The district encompasses an area of Southern Napa County of 229 square miles. Sixty-four bright yellow buses travel the county roadways each day - often into areas where houses are a couple of miles apart. The vehicles go a total of 4,000 miles daily in and from elementary schools, three junior highs and one senior high school. Even before starting on its routes each vehicle has undergone a thorough check to make sure a bomb isn't aboard. Someone hinting he might be Zodiac has telephoned such a threat in Santa Rosa. The man responsible for the safety of the students who ride the buses is Fred Sowash, the district's transportation director. Since last Wednesday, when he learned of Zodiac's threat, Sowash has been devoting 18 to 20 hours a day to blunt it". This article was released on Tuesday, October 21st 1969, indicating that the threat Fred Sowash was aware of last Wednesday, must have been delivered by the man claiming to be the Zodiac Killer on October 15th 1969 at the latest. The telephone threat could conceivably have been delivered as early as October 14th 1969, the day before the October 15th 1969 article in the San Francisco Chronicle, which first reported a connection between the Paul Stine murder and the Zodiac Killer. But crucially, the October 15th 1969 Chronicle article withheld the threat of "School children make nice targets, I think I shall wipe out a school bus some morning. Just shoot out the front tire + then pick off the kiddies as they come bouncing out", for fear of stateside panic. This meant that any telephone caller to Santa Rosa Police Department on October 15th 1969 (or slightly earlier) threatening to blow up a school bus and kill schoolchildren, gave this information over the phone before any threat on schoolchildren was ever released in the newspapers. This caller effectively pre-empted the last paragraph of the Stine letter in absence of its contents being published. This almost certainly means, that the telephone caller claiming to be the Zodiac Killer on October 15th 1969, was the Zodiac Killer. He not only threatened schoolchildren before the full Stine letter contents were made public, but he threatened the use of a bomb to attack a school bus, twenty-five days before the Bus Bomb letter was postmarked. Here is an excerpt from the Zodiac Killer Site forum discussing this topic. The discussion goes along similar lines, beginning with Druzer. The above article was written without prior knowledge of the forum thread, so having been brought to my attention, it's only right and proper to mention it. Druzer nailed it on September 26th 2017, stating "According to Graysmith the Santa Rosa K-Mart bomb threat happened on May 8, 1970. RG also said that exactly one year earlier that Zodiac had made a previous Santa Rosa bomb threat. This Oct 15 threat may be the closest match to his claim. Unless something has been misinterpreted here I think it is pretty extraordinary that someone (in Santa Rosa no less) was "hinting" to be Zodiac and threatening school children (let alone a specific school bus bomb) before the Zodiac's threat was revealed. My skeptical guess, I suppose, is that we will discover that the full contents of the letter were published earlier". Druzer2017 An unknown caller claiming to be the Zodiac Killer threatened Daniel Williams, a Richmond high school teacher, from October 23rd 1969 to November 2nd 1969. It was reported that the sadistic caller stated he was going to "kill the lady in the blue house". Despite previous exploration of this subject, here we will examine two new ideas related to the lady in the blue house. One will be a simplistic approach, while the second may understandably be regarded as far-fetched. It could be argued that it would be rather meaningless for the sadistic caller to threaten a woman in a blue house, had this woman got no connection whatsoever to Daniel Williams. The caller was clearly targeting Daniel Williams and attempting to unnerve him. When Daniel Williams left his house on November 2nd 1969, the killer gained access by prying open his screen door and placing some arsenic in his soft drink. There is every chance that the perpetrator had followed Daniel Williams to some extent and was aware of his departure from his Martinez home that day. Had this person also seen Daniel Williams visit or converse with a woman in a blue house, possibly on Bush Street where he lived - and knowing that he was friendly with this woman - he knew that a threat to kill her would resonate with the school teacher? Threatening an unknown woman to Daniel Williams, plucked from nothing more than his imagination, appears rather pointless. However, there is a more unlikely alternative. The newspapers stated that the caller gave no explanation regarding the lady in the blue house, so either he expected Daniel Williams to work it out, or he had planned a future attack on a woman unknown to Daniel Williams, but hoped that Daniel Williams would relay his intention to "kill the lady in the blue house" to police. When his next attack was then threatened or carried out, police would understand that he was responsible for both events. It was suggested in the previous article that the sadistic caller may have had unfinished business with Daniel Williams after the failed poisoning, hence his statement of "up to the end of Oct I have killed 7 people" in the November 9th 1969 Bus Bomb letter, thereby leaving investigators to speculate upon his intentions during the beginning of November and the likelihood of murder for the remainder of the month. Since nothing materialized with respect to Daniel Williams in this window of time and subsequent to November 9th 1969, it could be reasoned that it was just another idle, but menacing threat from the Zodiac Killer (assuming he played any part in the Daniel William affair). But what of his threat to "kill the lady in the blue house". The next possible letter by the Zodiac Killer arrived at the San Jose Police Department on November 21st 1969, threatening a woman and accompanied by the wording "There's no doubt I will do my Thing!". In the Dripping Pen card the Zodiac Killer wrote "I though you would nead a good laugh before you hear the bad news. You won't get the news for a while yet. PS could you print this new cipher in your frunt page? I get aufully lonely when I am ignored, so lonely I could do my Thing !!!!!! Des July Aug Sept Oct = 7". Was the communication on November 21st 1969 the bad news he had promised us, and the culmination of the threat to "kill the lady in the blue house"? In this communication the author threatened a widow, with enough detail in the letter that police were able to identify her. They took the threat extremely seriously, instituting 24-hour surveillance on her and her property. It is impossible, fifty-one years after the fact, to establish whether any connection existed between this woman and Daniel Williams. The likelihood of a connection is extremely remote, but it would have been interesting to find out the color of her house. Daniel Williams, a Salesian High School teacher in Richmond, received ten days of sadistic telephone calls beginning on October 23rd 1969 from a man claiming to be the Zodiac Killer. These calls were probably dismissed as the genuine Zodiac Killer because of the language adopted in the calls, mimicking the hoax caller who addressed Melvin Belli on the Jim Dunbar Show on October 22nd 1969. Daniel Williams would recall that the menacing caller would also "sob and complain of headaches". However, the calls to Daniel Williams shouldn't be ruled out on this basis, because two months later the real Zodiac Killer did speak of "losing control" and having difficulty "holding it in check" when writing to Melvin Belli on December 20th 1969. In previous articles covering this topic, the city of Richmond was identified as a possible future target on his Bus Bomb crosshairs. Also, the phraseology of “I’m too smart for them" by the sadistic caller to Daniel Williams was compared to the passage in the Bus Bomb letter of "I have been too clever for them". However, there is a little bit more. It was November 2nd 1969 when Daniel Williams received the final call from the man presumably impersonating the Zodiac Killer, with the menacing threat of “You’re the dead duck". He would then leave his house in Martinez and return later, only to find his screen door pried open and arsenic in his soft drink. Fortunately for Daniel Williams he noticed the metallic taste and spat it out, which undoubtedly saved his life. Clearly the murder of Daniel Williams had been thwarted, meaning the perpetrator had unfinished business. This is why I find the Zodiac Killer's opening statement in the Bus Bomb letter particularly unusual. The opening line of the November 9th 1969 communication began "This is the Zodiac speaking up to the end of Oct I have killed 7 people". But why didn't he just declare "This is the Zodiac speaking. I have killed 7 people to date", or "This is the Zodiac speaking. I have murdered 7 people". He deliberately chose to say "up to the end of Oct", almost like there was a murder he was still engineering or was attempting to complete between the end of October and November 9th 1969. In other words, he had unfinished business. Bearing in mind the murder attempt on Daniel Williams took place on November 2nd 1969, he may have been signalling by the statement of "up to the end of Oct" that he wasn't finished with Daniel Williams just yet. Especially when we consider that just a few lines later he issued the statement of "The police shall never catch me, because I have been too clever for them", in extremely similar fashion to “I’m too smart for them" spoken over the phone to Daniel Williams. When we couple these observations with his Dripping Pen card on November 8th 1969, the story becomes a little more intriguing. It too gives the impression of unfinished business. The card read "This is the Zodiac speaking. I though you would nead a good laugh before you hear the bad news. You won't get the news for a while yet. PS could you print this new cipher in your frunt page? I get aufully lonely when I am ignored, so lonely I could do my Thing !!!!!! Des July Aug Sept Oct = 7". The wording of "I though you would nead a good laugh before you hear the bad news". appears to indicate that the Zodiac Killer has, or is actively seeking to generate some bad news - which would usually involve murder. He then qualifies this statement by adding "You won't get the news for a while yet". This could indicate that he had plans for murder, but was yet to complete his mission. If he was the caller and poisoner of Daniel Williams, his failed murder attempt may have inspired the statement of "up to the end of Oct" and "You won't get the news for a while yet" in reference to his continued pursuit of the Richmond school teacher. Ironically, the Dripping Pen card would be accompanied by the Zodiac Killer's second lengthy cryptogram, the first of which was cracked by a Salinas High School teacher. RELEVANT ARTICLES: THE PROMISE OF MURDER ON LINE 5 A KILLER ON LINE FIVE The above story broke in the San Francisco Chronicle on November 8th 1969, the day before the Zodiac Killer's Bus Bomb letter was postmarked. The previous two articles [1] [2] explored the idea that the Zodiac Killer may have positioned one of the X's on the Bus Bomb crosshairs to signify an impending attack/murder in Richmond, based upon the fact Daniel Williams was a school teacher at Salesian High School. How the police came to the conclusion this wasn't the genuine Zodiac Killer by virtue of relayed phone messages, appears rather speculative. If this wasn't the Zodiac Killer, then it becomes a distinct possibility that somebody known to Daniel Williams was trying to kill him, using the Zodiac Killer as a convenient fall guy. However, there are crucial parts of the Daniel Williams story that were not covered in the San Francisco Chronicle article above. The day after this article was published, the Bus Bomb letter was postmarked, meaning it was out of the Zodiac Killer's hands by November 9th 1969. The Bus Bomb letter continued the theme of threatening schoolchildren by means of a bomb. But the November 9th 1969 letter contained one important line, after his introduction of "changing his way of collecting slaves". He stated "The police shall never catch me, because I have been too clever for them". The following day (November 10th), the Desert Sun newspaper would expand on the details of the sadistic phone call to Daniel Williams. It read "MARTINEZ (UPI)—A young scoolteacher who received threatening telephone calls for 10 days thought the caller was a crank who was pretending to be the Zodiac Killer. But police took the threats seriously after 24-year-old Daniel Williams found a lethal dose of arsenic in a bottle of soft drink in his refrigerator. Williams, a teacher at Salesian High School in Richmond, told police the caller talked of how he intended to kill several persons, then last; Sunday said: “You’re the dead duck.” Williams went out and when he returned home found someone had pried open the screen on a back door. However, a police search showed nothing was missing. But after the officers left and Williams took a drink from a bottle of opened soft drink in his refrigerator, he found it tasted “metallic” and immediately spat it out. Police reported Friday that the bottle contained more than enough arsenic to kill a human being. Williams said the caller identified himself as the still sought Zodiac killer of five, but police discounted the idea. The caller would “sob and complain of headaches.” Williams said, and on one occasion said he had gone to a Martinez school in search of victims but left when he found police there. Williams said the caller told him: “I’m too smart for them". This story was also published (word for word) in the San Mateo Times on November 8th 1969. The sadistic phone calls to Daniel Williams began on October 23rd 1969 and lasted 10 days until November 2nd 1969, with the caller mocking police by stating “I’m too smart for them". The Zodiac Killer in reference to the police on November 9th 1969 (Bus Bomb letter), stated "The police shall never catch me, because I have been too clever for them". Very similar phraseology aimed towards the police by the real Zodiac Killer and somebody claiming to be the Zodiac Killer, separated by approximately one week. The expanded story of Daniel Williams (in the Desert Sun on November 10th) was copied from an identical version in the San Mateo Times newspaper, published on November 8th 1969, which covered the details of the phone call boasting “I’m too smart for them". But if the Zodiac Killer only read the Chronicle article (which didn't cover the phrase), then it's rather fortuitous that he would also use the near identical wording of "I have been too clever for them" at the beginning of the Bus Bomb letter on November 9th 1969. If they were not the same person, then there is a possibility that the Zodiac Killer read the version of Daniel Williams story, covered in the San Mateo Times or another newspaper prior to the mailing of the Bus Bomb letter, and used the phraseology of the sadistic caller detailed in the newspapers in his latest letter, so as to convince the police he was the caller and poisoner of Daniel Williams. Does the phraseology suggest one perpetrator as sadistic caller and Bus Bomb letter author, a Zodiac Killer mimicking the newspaper articles, or is the wording just a simple coincidence? RELEVANT ARTICLES: THE PROMISE OF MURDER ON LINE 5 A KILLER ON LINE FIVE Daniel Williams (24), a young school teacher from Martinez, California started receiving sadistic calls from a man claiming to be the Zodiac Killer, beginning on October 23rd 1969 (the day after the Jim Dunbar Show call). While this was initially passed off as just another copycat by Daniel Williams, he and the police took it extremely seriously when a lethal dose of arsenic was discovered in a soft drink inside his refrigerator. Many copycats forging communications and phone calls would not be considered unusual in a high profile case such as the Zodiac Killer, but I doubt many would take it to the next level and commit murder in the name of impersonating the murderer of five. The phone calls spanned a period of ten days, culminating in somebody breaking into his house and spiking his drink. Had Daniel Williams not noticed the metallic taste in his drink, the young teacher would have been a "dead duck" as the phone caller had promised. The Zodiac Killer, would eventually, on November 9th 1969, promise to "change the way the collecting of slaves". Was this the first step in that direction, attempting to kill remotely after his fortunate escape subsequent to the murder of Paul Stine in Presidio Heights on October 11th 1969, buoyed by the publicity he received during the Jim Dunbar Show circus? The Zodiac Killer may not be responsible for the phone calls or attempted murder of Daniel Williams during this period, however, it may be possible he was inspired by the reporting of this story. The case of Daniel Williams was reported in the Zodiac Killer's favorite newspaper, the San Francisco Chronicle on November 8th 1969, the day before the Bus Bomb letter was postmarked. One notable passage in the San Francisco Chronicle read "The string of sadistic calls began on October 23rd 1969 (the day after the Jim Dunbar Show call). On one occasion, the caller told Williams he had gone to a Martinez school in search of victims but had left when he found police there". Did the Zodiac Killer use this to his advantage? In the previous article, The Promise of Murder on Line 5, it was noted that the Zodiac Killer placed four X's around his Bus Bomb letter crosshairs, possibly denoting the seven victims he was claiming. Only line 5 (the fifth X) was unexplained. This line ran over the city of Richmond. On October 13th 1969, the Zodiac Killer mailed a letter with an ominous warning at its base, stating "School children make nice targets, I think I shall wipe out a school bus some morning. Just shoot out the front tire + then pick off the kiddies as they come bouncing out". The caller to Daniel Williams had continued this theme by claiming "he had gone to a Martinez school in search of victims but had left when he found police there". Daniel Williams residence was situated at 1234 Bush Street in Martinez, so why would police have visited a Martinez school, when Daniel Williams was a school teacher at Salesian High School in Richmond? Wouldn't police more likely have placed protection in and around the Richmond school where he worked? Isn't it more likely the sadistic caller to Daniel Williams may have planned to target the Richmond school, with police pre-empting this eventuality? The newspaper may have made an error, and should have read "he had gone to a Richmond school in search of victims but had left when he found police there". The Zodiac Killer, had he read this newspaper article the day before he mailed the Bus Bomb letter, would have known Daniel Williams taught kids at Salesian High School in Richmond (even if he wasn't the caller or poisoner). Bearing in mind the Zodiac Killer's recent fascination with targeting schoolchildren, the notion that line 5 on the Bus Bomb crosshairs runs directly over Salesian High School in Richmond and may have been chosen deliberately by the Zodiac Killer, is not out of the question. The Bay Area murderer may have been insinuating a continued threat towards the school where Daniel Williams taught, thereby attempting to lay credence to his involvement in the phone calls and poisoning. Or maybe he was just taunting the police.
After watching the very educational and insightful presentation of Let's Crack Zodiac (Part Four) by Dave Oranchak for the National Cryptologic Museum, the section about the X's positioned around the Bus Bomb crosshairs sparked a fresh interest. Dave Oranchak is correct when he identifies the difficulty regarding scale when overlaying the crosshairs over a map. The Zodiac Killer overlayed his crosshairs over Mount Diablo as part of the Button letter on June 26th 1970, which he followed up with a further clue in the Little List letter on July 26th 1970. The Zodiac Killer explicitly stated that the crosshairs were to be set to Magnetic North (17 degrees in 1970). Therefore, it wasn't particularly surprising that the center of the black circle around the circumference of the first crosshairs on the Little List letter, fell exactly at 4 radians when set to Magnetic North, ultimately identifying Ingleside Police Station as the focus for the bomb. Two overlays were used to great effect in the June 26th and July 26th communications. It is with little doubt that the Bus Bomb crosshairs were designed to pinpoint locations as well. However, as Dave Oranchak pointed out, the scaling of such an operation is likely to lead to inaccuracy. Therefore, we have to treat the crosshairs on the Bus Bomb letter as a guide. Only a day earlier, the Zodiac Killer had listed his murder count on the Dripping Pen card, mailed to the San Francisco Chronicle on November 8th 1969. He chronologically listed the murders he was claiming by use of months, writing "Des, July, Aug, Sept, Oct = 7". We know the Zodiac Killer had murdered five victims at Lake Herman Road, Blue Rock Springs, Lake Berryessa and Presidio Heights, but he added in the murders of Kathy Snoozy and Deborah Furlong in San Jose on August 3rd 1969. To this point, the Zodiac Killer had listed his victims, but always left us dangling with the promise of more murders. Would it be all that unusual if the Zodiac Killer again pinpointed these seven victims the following day by use of X's around the circumference of his crosshairs, just like he pinpointed 4 radians and Magnetic North around the circumference of his crosshairs in the Little List letter on July 26th 1970 - with both crosshairs overlayed over Mount Diablo. But in true Zodiac style, the promise of another location in which he would soon murder. If this were the case, we would expect one X on the circumference of the Bus Bomb crosshairs to be unknown. To a reasonable degree of accuracy, line [1] falls over Lake Berryessa and the murder victim Cecelia Shepard. Line [2] passes directly over Lake Herman Road and Blue Rock Springs, accounting for David Faraday, Betty Lou Jensen and Darlene Ferrin. Line [3] passes over Presidio Heights and the murder of Paul Stine. Line [4] passes over San Jose and the murders of Kathy Snoozy & Deborah Furlong. These were the locations of his seven victims which he had claimed just a day earlier. One line remains unknown. This line passes over Walnut Creek (where Elaine Davis was abducted from on December 1st 1969, and eventually murdered), as well as Richmond and San Rafael. Had the Zodiac Killer deliberately created this X on the 9 o'clock position as a teaser to his next destination of murder? Next to the bottom right quadrant of his crosshairs on the Bus Bomb letter, he wrote "Be sure to print the part I marked out on page 3 or I shall do my thing". Considering this section of text was placed next to the crosshairs with the X's, was his "thing" going to occur somewhere in the vicinity of Walnut Creek, Richmond or San Rafael, along the unknown line? As far as we know, no murders can be connected to the Zodiac Killer over the next few months in these locations, making you wonder whether this was just another threat that didn't materialize. Or it was simply just a game he was playing.
FOLLOW UP ARTICLE: A KILLER ON LINE FIVE The problem with solving the Zodiac Killer's 32 Symbol cipher and Phillips 66 Map code, is a failure to follow the instructions given by the killer in the June 26th 1970 letter and its follow up on July 26th 1970. The Zodiac Killer stated "The map coupled with this code will tell you where the bomb is set. You have untill next Fall to dig it up". This tells us that the solution to the 32 symbol cipher will not supply us with the exact position of the supposed bomb. Any solution to this 32 character code pinpointing the exact position of the bomb will be incorrect, because this can only be realized by coupling it with the map. Therefore, the position of the bomb to be set, was a combination of both code and map. In his following letter he stated "P.S. The Mt. Diablo code concerns Radians + # inches along the radians". This tells you that the code is about radians and inches but not necessarily the entire solution. Any solution to the position of the bomb that doesn't use radians and inches (as implicitly stated by the killer) will be wrong. The phrase "P.S. The Mt. Diablo code concerns Radians + # inches along the radians" would supply the inches value, hence the hashtag before inches, along with the arrow beneath, instructing us to insert a value here. This isn't rocket science - the hashtag is widely recognized as a number sign, so by placing this immediately before the word "inches", the Zodiac Killer is telling us to insert a number before inches. The only way to find a bomb in Northern California using his instructions, is to travel a set amount of radians around his crosshairs, and then subtend a set amount of inches from it. In this case, a number of radians around Mount Diablo and a number of inches from it. Placing a hashtag and arrow before the word "inches", is rather a giveaway that a number value should precede it. Even the map code was 6.4 miles to the inch. Any solution that gives us the answer in degrees or miles is wrong, because "The Mt. Diablo code concerns Radians + # inches along the radians". We need to follow his instructions. This is why any theory of crime scene locations being chosen because they are separated by a radian or near radian value, is wrong also. The whole premise of the June 26th 1970 letter was to discover the location of his bomb, not measure angles between crime scenes or any other object we choose to construct or imagine The Zodiac Killer gave us crosshairs superimposed over Mount Diablo with an arrow pointer set in the north facing position, "to be set to Mag. N". He allocated it a zero position, with a 3, 6 and 9 in the form of a clock face around its circumference. This was to instruct us to travel clockwise around the circumference of the crosshairs, to be set at 17 degrees (which was the magnetic north value in 1970). We had to travel a set amount of radians around his crosshairs over Mount Diablo, in addition to this value of 17 degrees. So, we are looking for a set amount of inches and a set amount of radians. The Zodiac Killer was incapable of keeping secrets and resisting putting pen to paper, so just one month later he gave us the answer, when the July 26th 1970 letter arrived at the San Francisco Chronicle. Never done before or since by the Zodiac Killer, he drew a big fat zero around the circumference of his crosshairs with SFPD alongside it. This represented the San Francisco Police Department. This bold, black circle sat close to 246.2 degrees, which is 4 radians and magnetic north (the Zodiac Killer's crude design was off by about 3 degrees). This was the radian component of "The Mt. Diablo code concerns Radians + # inches along the radians". The answer was 4 radians. All we had to do now was find the "inches" value. The Zodiac Killer mailed virtually every correspondence to the San Francisco Chronicle, describing the makeup of his bomb on November 9th 1969. He followed this up with a diagram of a school bus and photoelectric cells on April 20th 1970, referencing the murder of San Francisco police officer Brian McDonnell on February 16th 1970, who suffered devastating and sadly fatal injuries two months earlier, when a bomb packed with fence staples exploded on an outside ledge of Park Police Station in the Upper Haight neighborhood of San Francisco. The Zodiac wrote about the "blast" he was going to have when he mailed the Dragon card on April 28th 1970. All of these communications directed towards the San Francisco Chronicle indicating he was constructing a bomb, with the SFPD attribution totaling zero adorning many. Therefore, it's pretty obvious that placing SFPD around the circumference of his crosshairs, next to a big fat zero and set close to a value of 4 radians and magnetic north (4 X 57.3 + 17), indicates that the target for the bomb is San Francisco - or more specifically - the San Francisco Police Department. When the above crosshairs are set over Mount Diablo, we now have to travel 4 radians and magnetic north from the peak of the mountain. Let us now find the inches value to be inserted into "Radians and # inches along the radians". We actually don't have to look hard to find the answer. The land mass and geography of San Francisco is such, that only 5 inches can fall over it. Using the map scale of 6.4 miles to the inch, anything less than 5 inches, and anything more than 5 inches, doesn't fall inside San Francisco. Therefore, there is only one answer. The same applies to the radians value. Anything more or less than 4 radians and magnetic north (such as 5 radians and magnetic north, or 3 radians and magnetic north), doesn't fall inside the geography of San Francisco. A bomb threat on San Francisco (hence SFPD=0), can only be 4 radians and magnetic north, and 5 inches along that radian value. The choice of words by the Zodiac Killer when he wrote "Radians and # inches along the radians". were chosen carefully. We were instructed to find "radians", and an amount of "inches" along the amount of "radians" we found. Once we found the radians value, we would travel 5 inches along that radian. The answer to the map was the magnetic north value of 17 degrees, to be coupled with four radians and five inches of the code. The two "coupled" together gave us the full answer. Druzer, an avid Zodiac researcher, came up with a solution to the 32 character code which I believe is correct, when he suggested Estimate: four radians and five inches. This solution not only satisfies the 32 characters, but correlates three plaintext letters to the only three repeating ciphertext characters in the code, thereby providing a perfectly valid key. See The Blast Estimate of Zodiac, The Blast Estimate of Zodiac (Part Two). and The Blast Estimate of Zodiac (Part Three). The map scale is 6.4 miles to the inch. This gives us a distance of 6.4 multiplied by 5 (inches). Therefore, the bomb was to be set close to 4 radians and magnetic north, and 32 miles from the peak of Mount Diablo. The only San Francisco Police Department that comes anywhere close is Ingleside Police Station. This San Francisco Police Department sits at 30.96 miles from the peak of Mount Diablo (4.84 inches). It also sits at 251 degrees from the peak of Mount Diablo (4.08 radians). The Zodiac Killer gave us a rough guide of 4 radians and magnetic north, and 5 inches (hence the word "estimate"). If he had given us the exact measurement, it would have been 4.08 radians and 4.84 inches, He was clearly giving us an approximate measurement. Since Ingleside Police Station was the only San Francisco Police Department anywhere close to these measurements, it's fairly obvious this was his target. The Zodiac Killer's distance in miles was 96.8% accurate. His angular accuracy in degrees was 98.0%. The Zodiac Killer was very unlikely to have selected a specific target that fell on an exact whole number of radians and inches. The Zodiac Killer was targeting Ingleside Police Station for his bomb, but clearly he wasn't going to start digging a hole on the lawn of Ingleside Police Station. The Zodiac Killer also threatened to blow up a school bus on April 20th 1970, in which he drew us a diagram with a steep embankment on the right, with the sun rising to the east. This would suggest we should be looking for a bus route traveling from north to south (where the sun rises to the east in the morning), with a steep embankment to the right of the bus, where the Zodiac Killer can lay his photoelectric cells and conceal his bomb. He also has to access that roadway from a position of anonymity, with his vehicle parked at the top of the embankment in relative seclusion. What are the odds of that location being the exact closest portion of road to Ingleside Police Station, meeting all the criteria above. This would satisfy the drawing on the April 20th 1970 letter and the target of SFPD (Ingleside Police Station). The Zodiac Killer could metaphorically kill two birds with one stone. So let us travel just 274 feet from Ingleside Police Station to the nearest section of road heading north to south. Again, what are the chances that the area highlighted by the red rectangle would mimic exactly his bomb diagram of a school bus and embankment, as drawn in the April 20th 1970 letter. Not only that, but this would have been a school bus route in 1970. Children from the northern and eastern areas of San Francisco would use the school bus to reach St Thomas More Catholic School at 50 Thomas More Way. There is even a bus route road sign 38 feet from the proposed location of the bomb (whether it existed in 1970 I don't know). So, let us drop down to the exact position of the red rectangle and take a closer look. All the Zodiac Killer had to do to access the embankment, was to access the parking lot of the City College of San Francisco and drive to its eastern edge - and at night - in relative anonymity to the police station, dig the bomb into the embankment. It is highly unlikely that the Zodiac Killer ever intended to plant a bomb, but this location fits all the criteria of targeting both a San Francisco Police Department and a school bus at the same time. It achieves his objective of targeting school children for maximum terror, and achieves his objective of "rubbing the pigs nozes in their booboos". The location of the bomb not only matches the diagram from April 20th 1970, but satisfies the criteria of the Mount Diablo map and code to an overall accuracy of 97.5%. The 32 character cipher is also answered. The Zodiac Killer likely had no intention of laying this bomb, but it was the threat that mattered most of all. The Zodiac Killer knew that the clues he provided us with on June 26th 1970 were inadequate in cracking the bomb location and code, so he gave us these additional clues in the Little List letter on July 26th 1970, one month later. # Radian values are normally measured in a counter-clockwise direction, but the positioning of the bold, black circle at 246 degrees (4 radians and magnetic north), along with the north facing arrow pointer, the addition of the clock face set at zero, and the instructions to "set to Mag. N.", appears to indicate the Zodiac Killer measured his radians from the north position clockwise. In effect, he was multiplying the radian value of 57.3 by a factor of 4, set to magnetic north of 17 degrees (246.2). It has been stated on this site and elsewhere, that the 32 character code is unsolvable using conventional cipher techniques without the killer supplying us with a key. There are 29 unique characters within the code, making any solution practically unprovable. The solutions offered by using the 408 and 340 keys have produced less than convincing results, particularly when we consider that this code contains an "anchor" and "omega" symbol, not used in the 408 and 340 ciphers. Attempting to correlate the letters used in the code to written text in both the Button letter (June 26th 1970) and Little List letter (July 26th 1970) also produces negative results. Therefore, it could be argued, that a code containing 29 unique characters must have an alternative meaning, in accompaniment to the code solution of "estimate:four radians and five inches". Here is one possibility.
The Zodiac Killer gave us an estimate of 4 radians, but the exact figure is 4.084 radians. That is, 4.084 multiplied by one radian value (57.3 degrees) to equal 234 degrees. When we add in the magnetic north which Zodiac instructed us to do (17 degrees in 1970), we get 251 degrees and the precise location of the Southern Freeway embankment and Ingleside Police Station. Could the 32 character code contain the value of 234 degrees, which once set to magnetic north, now identified the exact location of Ingleside Police Station? If we resort to basic numerology where A=1, B=2, C=3 etc, and add up the values of the forward facing alphabetical characters in the Zodiac Killer's 32 character code, we arrive at a total of 234 (or 234 degrees). When set to magnetic north, it gives us the value of 251 degrees, which when subtended from the peak of Mount Diablo passes directly over Ingleside Police Station and the Southern Freeway. "The map (set to 17 degrees magnetic north) coupled with the code of 234 will tell you where the bomb is set". |
For black and white issue..
August 2024