- With immense gratitude and credit to contributors Rubislaw32 and Nobody, another correspondence mailed to Sergeant John Lynch has been comprehensively discussed on The Concerned Citizen article. This correspondence was mailed on October 7th 1969, just two months after the "concerned citizen" card and four days before the murder of Paul Stine in Presidio Heights on October 11th 1969. It has been dubbed the "good citizen" letter, postmarked San Mateo and signed ''A good citizen", and with a footnote from Sergeant John Lynch, it stated that the writer has a strong feeling of ESP. While having these feelings, the writer writes with a pencil. On occasion, while thinking of the code letters, the pencil wrote: ''Go to 56 Beach Street. I get the name Jerry, perhaps he knows people or his name is XXXXXXX''.
Sergeant Lynch 1969, Vallejo Police Department.
"During the 1960s, California was the site of many outdoor art fairs, which nurtured a culture of independent artists and craftspersons. At this time there was an effort to sell crafts on the sidewalks of the liberal Haight-Ashbury neighborhood of San Francisco. Artists and street performers who illegally set up in public areas were frequently harassed and arrested by the police. In the 700 block of Beach Street adjacent to Victorian Park and near Fisherman's Wharf, between 15 and 25 artists would set up their displays and use lookouts to alert them to the arrival of the police". Wikipedia.
Sergeant Lynch couldn't locate a 56 Beach Street in 1969, so considered Beechwood Street starting in the 700 block. This location was actually Beechwood Drive, Daly City, CA 94015 and it is 8.6 miles from Beach Street, San Francisco. This clearly indicates that Sergeant Lynch was considering the letter from the standpoint of San Francisco due to its proximity to San Mateo.
The question that arises from this letter, is were the "concerned citizen" and "good citizen" communications designed by the same author or linked in any way? The first supplied a code key relating to the 408 cipher, solved by Donald Gene and Bettye June Harden of Salinas, California. The second referred to "code letters" - and both correspondences were mailed to Sergeant John Lynch. Bearing in mind the "concerned citizen" card wasn't mentioned in any newspapers, does this increase the significance of the October 7th 1969 mailing? U.S. Route 101 or U.S. Highway 101 links Salinas, San Mateo and Beach Street. Paul Stine picked up the Zodiac in the proximity of Union Square on October 11th 1969. The "good citizen" letter was mailed only four days earlier and mentioned ESP and Beach Street - a location that is only 1.4 miles from Union Square.
Without knowing more about this communication and its exact contents, this analysis must be treated with caution.
# "Zener cards are cards used to conduct experiments for extrasensory perception (ESP) or clairvoyance. Perceptual psychologist Karl Zener (1903–1964) designed the cards in the early 1930s for experiments conducted with his colleague, parapsychologist J. B. Rhine (1895–1980). The original series of experiments have been discredited and replication has proved elusive. The Zener cards are a deck of twenty five cards, five of each symbol. The five symbols are: a hollow circle, a plus sign, three vertical wavy lines, a hollow square, and a hollow five-pointed star. They are used to test for ESP." Wikipedia.