It must therefore have annoyed him greatly that the Kathy Snoozy and Deborah Furlong murders featured on the front pages of the San Francisco Examiner on August 4th 1969 and the San Francisco Chronicle on August 6th 1969, when he had declared at the same time that he "was not happy to see that he did not get front page coverage" in the 'Debut of Zodiac' letter. This is probably the moment he decided on an altogether more hands-on approach to his method of murder - by knife. The inspiration for the Lake Berryessa attack may have come straight from the pages of the San Francisco Examiner. On the same day the Zodiac Killer hand delivered his 'Debut of Zodiac' letter to the Examiner offices, the San Francisco Examiner headlined with '2 Girls Stabbed-Picnic Murders Footprint Clue'. Apart from "Girls", this headline could easily have been written for the September 27th 1969 Lake Berryessa attack.
The question being: did the Zodiac Killer switch from gun to knife, head down the serpentine trail of Lake Berryessa to target unsuspecting picknickers or people enjoying a relaxing day out, because he just fancied a change, or did he believe this was his path to guaranteed "front page coverage", just like the brutal stabbing of the two young girls in San Jose? The car door may have held the answer, by the addition of the "by knife" phrase. The Zodiac Killer was effectively saying "do I get front page coverage now". But how does the time of 6:30 (pm) on Bryan Hartnell's car door play into the Kathy Snoozy and Deborah Furlong murders of August 3rd 1969.