Taking fiction to a completely new level, you can read "Zodiac Killer Solved" by Ray Grant, which is the perfect example of how to completely dismiss certain eyewitness accounts and bolster others, to paint a preconceived picture you have created in your mind. What Ray Grant does in his book, is create a fictional story of multiple "Zodiacs" and cherry pick certain details in the police report that suit his narrative, while ignoring and fabricating other accounts. One such example in his chapter on Lake Herman Road is his account of Robert Connelly after he left the Marshall Ranch, quote "Connley (sic) saw the Faraday Rambler now parked in the Gate #10 turnout, but with no one inside it". While this is true, he accompanies this text with a picture of Robert Connelly and Frank Gasser heading east to Benicia at 11:05pm, with the Rambler positioned on the east bank of the turnout, which is pure fiction based on the two recorded accounts of Robert Connelly in the police report. Ray Grant has wilfully and deliberately left this out of his story about Lake Herman Road to mislead the reader into believing his contrived narrative. However, he is not alone when it comes to deception such as this.

The police sketch on the left clearly depicts the Rambler on the south/west bank. Due to a slightly erroneous compass drawing on the sketch, the Rambler was in fact facing south and parked on the west bank. In his book, Ray Grant deliberately placed the Rambler on the east bank when Robert Connelly passed the turnout at 11:05pm, despite two statements by Connelly to the contrary. That is because he chooses to believe some eyewitnesses over others to manipulate the story he is selling. There are countless other examples throughout his fictional retelling of the Zodiac story.
The overwhelming majority of Zodiac researchers believe that the Zodiac Killer arrived at the Lake Herman Road turnout on December 20th 1968 and pulled alongside, and to the right of the Rambler, before exiting his vehicle and beginning the attack. While this may be true, it is certainly not the obvious choice based on the eyewitness statements in the police report. The last eyewitness to pass the turnout before two vehicles were spotted in the turnout, was Robert Connely. In other words, the last position we know the Rambler to have been placed in the turnout before Zodiac arrived, was on the west bank facing south. David Faraday could have initially parked on the east bank, relocated to the west bank, before being forced back across the turnout by the arriving Zodiac (the Rambler was detailed in three different positions that night in the police report). Or David Faraday could have wilfully moved his vehicle twice. However, this doesn't change the fact that the Rambler was last spotted alone in the turnout on the west bank before Zodiac arrived. The question therefore, is why was the sighting by Robert Connelly doubted by the police, and why do Zodiac investigators largely ignore the testimony of Robert Connelly, to paint a certain narrative of a Zodiac Killer who arrived at the turnout and pulled immediately to the right side of the Rambler? The answer can be easily explained. They ignore the details in the police report and repeat the story passed down from the many decades before. It is often more comfortable to go with the "argumentum ad populum" (what most people believe), rather than question the narrative we have been conditioned to accept.