In total, this would make 11 murders (8 attacks), that all fall on the first day of the 13 moon calendar week, represented by the Dali symbol. If we expand the search field to other potential Zodiac victims (detailed below), one can see the correlation of the data, with all the victims from December 20th 1968 to November 15th 1970 (just a 2-year period) being murdered on the first day of the 13 moon calendar, and all on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, possibly when the killer had finished his working week. This is either a highly credible argument or one hell of a statistical coincidence.
Astrology and the Zodiac Killer has been widely discussed regarding the Bay Area murders and the communications he mailed to the newspapers. Here we will concentrate on the 13 moon calendar, based upon a cycle of 4 weeks, forming a 28 day cycle (it takes 28 days for the moon to orbit the earth) over 13 moon phases, amounting to 364 days - the 365th day referred to as 'the day out of time,' and serves as a public holiday in some countries. But what has this got to do with the Zodiac Killer? It is believed by some that the Zodiac Killer committed his crimes on a full or new moon, but this was not the case. For example, the Blue Rock Springs Park attack on July 4th or 5th 1969 (as it occurred close to midnight) were neither a full moon or a new moon - only a waning gibbous moon. However, something does correlate with all four confirmed Zodiac attacks, in that they all occurred on DALI days. In other words, the 1st, 8th, 15th and 22nd day of each moon cycle. Therefore, the first day of each week of the 28 day cycle, represented by the Dali crosshairs symbol. Visit here for calendar and explanation. Leave this new window open on the calendar, to enter the relevant dates. There are 7 symbols of Dali, Seli, Gamma, Kali, Alpha, Limi and Silio representing each day of one week. If we now place the Zodiac crimes into place, beginning with the Lake Herman Road murders on December 20th 1968, which is 12/20, this falls on the first day of the week on the Dali line in position 8 of the Rythmic Moon. The Blue Rock Springs attack on July 4th 1969, which is 7/4, falls on the first day of the week on the Dali line in position 8 of the Cosmic Moon. The Lake Berryessa attack on September 27th 1969, which is 9/27, falls on the first day of the week on the Dali line in position 8 of the Electric Moon (remember the three circled 8's of the 'My name is' letter). Finally, the murder of taxicab driver Paul Stine on October 11th 1969, which is 10/11, and falls for the fourth time on the first day of a week on the Dali line in position 22 of the Electric Moon. For confirmation of the above, visit Spacestation Plaza and enter in all four complete dates, including the year, under where it says 13 Moon Natural Time Calendar. It can be seen that all the four confirmed Zodiac attacks occur at the beginning of the week on the 13 moon calendar, which if my mathematics are correct, produces odds of 2401 to 1. Continuing this observation, to rule in or out any of the other touted Zodiac crimes, suggests that the Modesto abduction of Kathleen Johns, and the Cheri Jo Bates, Betsy Aardsma and Domingos/Edwards murders would all be ruled out on this basis. However, the Donna Ann Lass disappearance on September 6th 1970 and the Hood/Garcia murders would still remain a possibility. The disappearance and eventual murder of Judith Hakari on March 7th 1970, and the Sleeping Bag Murders sometime on the night of July 4th 1970. both fall on the first day of the week in the 13 moon calendar and would also be ruled in In total, this would make 11 murders (8 attacks), that all fall on the first day of the 13 moon calendar week, represented by the Dali symbol. If we expand the search field to other potential Zodiac victims (detailed below), one can see the correlation of the data, with all the victims from December 20th 1968 to November 15th 1970 (just a 2-year period) being murdered on the first day of the 13 moon calendar, and all on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, possibly when the killer had finished his working week. This is either a highly credible argument or one hell of a statistical coincidence.
1/27/2013 08:25:17 pm
On the Halloween Card, mailed on October 27th 1970, Zodiac had added what look like 13 Crescent Moons (also look like 13 eyes)
12/25/2014 06:17:04 am
What was the angle from Mount Diablo to the Blue Rock Springs area and what streets in Concord does it cross hair. I lived on the Corner of Clayton and Maynard as a little girl
12/25/2014 07:15:41 am
The angle clockwise on a compass is approximately 315 degrees or anticlockwise 45 degrees, by my estimation. It is difficult to guage exactly where it passes over using Google Maps, I would need a hand held map to plot the points more accurately, which I do not possess at this time. But it almost certainly would run over or very close to this intersection. Follow this link.
9/10/2016 05:16:59 pm
12/7/2017 07:39:42 pm
Cheri Jo Bates died Sunday 30 October 1966: A Limi day, not a Dali day.
12/8/2017 12:18:02 am
"Therefore, all the four confirmed Zodiac attacks occur at the beginning of the week on the 13 moon calendar, which if the mathematics are correct, produces odds of 2401 to 1- which is pretty slim"
12/16/2017 03:25:15 am
That depends. The first day may matter in this case since it just so happens that the sign of the Dali day looks very much like the sign of the Zodiac killer. The coincidence of the Dali symbol just happening to be basically the same as his chosen symbol if it wasn't intentional would be substantially much more than 7. Unless he in hindsight chose that symbol after discovering that he committed the first attack on a Dali day and liked the symbol so much that he copied it. Then you are correct, and that would be an interesting detail. As far as I know that symbol has never shown up in anything possibly connected to the Zodiac killer prior to the first confirmed attack so it's certainly a strong possibility.
Barbara Moskaitis
12/21/2017 08:09:07 pm
Just wondering if any of the suspects had a birthday on a Dali day, a december dali day, per the movie. Or was the movie saying Dec. 18, incorrect. They never give a birthday for each of the suspects.Just curious.
12/22/2017 01:25:08 am
Richard Gaikowski was born on March 14th 1936. This date matches the opening of the Mikado on March 14th 1885 in London. The birthday call. The movie date of December 18th is not based in fact.
12/22/2017 01:26:31 am
March 14th is a Dali day.
1/24/2018 05:58:22 am
Hate to burst the bubble but this calendar wasn't invented until 1992 by a guy who turned his whole theory of the calendar into a board game and sold it. Therefore, the Zodiac couldn't have possibly known about it and planned his killings around it. The name "Dali" for the first day of the week is his invention and the symbol is not the Zodiac's symbol (where the cross hairs always were always extended outside the circle), but an astrological symbol for The Part of Fortune (the point in an astrological chart that is determined by the geometric distance between the Sun and Moon and that distances is added to the eastern horizon to determine the location). Zodiac did use the part of fortune symbol in his ciphers.
1/24/2018 07:05:21 am
You may be wrong that the Zodiac couldn't have known about the calendar because there's another possibility: That Arguelles was the Zodiac. From what I can gather he lived in California during the period of the murders. Did I just crack the case?
1/24/2018 09:51:17 am
Interestingly, that occurred to me, too. He is the right age. He does not look like the composite, but there is no guarantee the composite is accurate, or that he didn't look like it in the late 60s. However, Arguelles claimed his calendar was based on, among other things, DNA code, and precisely what he based it on may not have been known in the late 60s. In the late 60s no one knew anything about DNA outside of some very specialized scientists. The reason for the DNA inclusion is that his calendar is supposed to sync humans with real time and DNA is (I guess) a handy way to do that.
4/21/2018 05:41:01 pm
If the calendar appeared AFTER the known Zodiac killings, then he couldn't have known about it.
7/10/2020 01:40:34 pm
Antares, you are right about this online calendar, and especially the designation "Dali Day." A fairly quick check of known Zodiac murders and the moon cycle seem far more erratic. 12-20-1968 is 1 day after the new moon. 7-4-1969 is 2 days before 3rd quarter. 9-27-1969 is 2 days after the full moon. 10-11-1969 is on the new moon. 9-7-1970 (day of Diane Lasse's last sighting) was 1 day before the first quarter. It's possible if we knew every single one of his crimes we might see a lunar pattern. It is possible Zodiac was using a system that coincides with the Dali Day calendar, but there is no way to know, without more information, why he chose that "pattern."
4/20/2018 01:56:45 pm
4/21/2018 06:01:53 pm
>The 13 moon or month calendar has been around forever.<
4/22/2018 02:18:31 pm
Who cares what it is called Dali day, Dooms day it's all the same signature day numerically. Math is math my friend. Please throw out that 1992 calendar. There are tons of 13 month calendars for you to research and help Richard Grinell find the Zodiac. I know you are frustrated but we got to stay with this. And, when one of us is going though a pissed off patch then the rest of us got to do something to try and change it with an encouraging word. It is a good thing that you pointed out the 1992 date on that calendar that everybody was stuck on. Now maybe someone can use the one 13 moon calendar the zodiac used to get our next lead. Remember this is a relay race. A 50 year relay race. As for your questions - I think you are as smart as those guys so my suggestion is who care what they say keep running your own race. Keep finding you own answers. Peace out.
4/23/2018 06:32:31 am
Let's try to put what I wrote in perspective. First, I'm not frustrated at all. If the tone of the post gives that impression, then I need to try to soften it. Second, I prefer to deal in facts rather than conjecture. So with that in mind let's go over the lunar calendar and the point I'm trying to make. The TV show pointed out, correctly as far as I can tell, that all or almost all of the murders took place on a Dali Day or the first day of the week of this particular lunar calendar. From this we are asked to believe that this day was deliberately selected by Zodiac to commit his killings. From that information it is presumed that we have learned something about his identity. At this point, this is all reasonable. Not conclusive, but reasonable.
4/23/2018 12:26:56 pm
The calendar Arguelles seems to have taken his from was devised by Auguste Comte in 1849. It was based on a 364-day year which included the one or two "blank" days that Abbé Mastrofini, an Italian Roman Catholic priest, had devised 15 years before. Each of the 13 months had 28 days and exactly four weeks. I miss read you being pissed off - My bad.
4/23/2018 02:32:06 pm
Great find. I’ve heard of Comte but forgotten the details. I’ll check this out and get back on it. Good job.
4/24/2018 04:04:20 am
I'm in the middle of something that can't be put aside, so I've only managed to steal a little bit of time this morning. I will get back to this.
4/24/2018 04:34:27 pm
Antares - Thank You soooooooo sooooooo much for your praise! You made my day!
10/2/2018 08:01:04 pm
Interesting to note that the Apollo 8 mission was dubbed: Christmas at the Moon. The famous 'Earthrise' photo from Apollo 8, the first manned mission to the moon. The crew entered lunar orbit on Christmas Eve, Dec. 24, 1968.
10/3/2018 11:10:12 am
10/3/2018 01:40:14 pm
Richard - the Exorcist letter symbol could be "Kaz" or Kazi short for Kaczynski
10/3/2018 01:54:59 pm
That is if you believe Theodore Kaczynski was Zodiac, but unfortunately I don't BB. I don't doubt Mark Hewitt has created a credible book, for me however, I don't see a man sitting in jail for the rest of his life, not being tempted to admit he is Zodiac and placing himself back in the spotlight for years to come, slowly drip feeding all the mysteries of the ciphers, cards and murders. It would be an egotists dream. The alternative is wallowing away in his cell looking at four walls all day..
10/4/2018 01:03:02 pm
For a man like TK - prison is better than the dirty cabin.
Kevin Schappert
2/3/2019 02:48:26 am
Hard evidence (handwriting, shoeprint) connects Zodiac to Bates, and Domingues murder eerily similar to Berryessa (same gun, same clothesline pieces, same remote venue). Those 2 are likely Zodiac.
6/18/2020 02:14:29 pm
I Agree - And there is 63 year old Vern C. Smith 6-3-63 stabbed in the back. He was 17 or 18 years old at the time.
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