Bearing in mind the Pines card was mailed just over a week after the Los Angeles letter, I considered whether the Vanishing Point film had any connection to the Sierra Club, Clair Tappaan Lodge by Lake Tahoe - and if Donna Lass could have been buried near to the lodge? Harvey Hines speculated that the young woman may have been buried near to this location, stating "I believe she was buried near the Sierra Club" - and the Zodiac Killer was leaving us a trail of breadcrumbs in the Pines card.
The final scene in the Vanishing Point movie was filmed in Cisco, Utah, but in the film it was portrayed as Cisco, California. This is the location that the film's main character, Kowalski, met his death. "Kowalski picks up the Challenger, plus a load of uppers, in Colorado and bets the dealer he can get from Colorado to San Francisco in 15 hours, which underpins and gives purpose to the mad cross-country chase. Serafian originally intended to end the film in San Francisco, somewhat reversing the notion of Bullitt's iconic chase scene by having cars race up the hills of the City by the Bay, rather than down. But after a visit, he and the production team didn't sense a warm welcome there, and weren't sure they could do the stunts and chase scenes that they wanted to. So they elected to bring the chase, and thus Kowalski's life, to an end in Cisco, California, a mostly abandoned town north west of Lake Tahoe" link..
Cisco, California is 10.55 miles west of Clair Tappaan Lodge. If you "pass the Lake Tahoe areas", including the lodge, you arrive at this location. Donna Ann Lass vanished from her place of work at the Lake Tahoe casino, but does the Vanishing Point film mirror the location of where her life came to an end, or possibly her final resting place, just like the death of Kowalski. Cisco, California is in Placer County, the burial site of murder victim Judith Hakari on March 7th 1970, also a nurse: 'At 11:30 pm. Hakari calls her fiance to tell him she's leaving Sutter Memorial Hospital where she works as a nurse. By 1:30 in the morning, she has still not come home. Her fiance, waiting at her apartment, begins to worry. "He went out to the apartment complex parking lot and discovered her car was parked in the assigned space that she had," Links said. But Judith was nowhere to be seen. She was found one month later, strangled and bludgeoned to death. "Some hikers discovered a body in a shallow grave up in the town of Weimar, in Placer County. And during their investigation they determined that it was Judith Hakari," Links said.' Fox40.com.