The Confession letter author claimed "I grabbed her around the neck with my hand over her mouth and my other hand with a small knife at her throat. She went very willingly. Her breast felt very warm and firm under my hands. But only one thing was on my mind. Making her pay for all the brush offs that she had given me during the years prior. She died hard. She squirmed and shook as I chocked her, and her lips twiched". None of the newspaper articles described Cheri Jo Bates being restrained around the neck, and her mouth being obstructed prior to the Confession letter on November 29th 1966, because this would only have been known to the killer (and possibly through examining the autopsy report). This claim by the author of the Confession letter would explain why Cheri Jo Bates didn't immediately scream when initially attacked. The grabbing of the neck and obstruction of her mouth, claimed to be the first actions by the killer that night, prevented the young woman from doing so. As explained in an earlier examination of the autopsy report, this is when the author of the Confession letter stated "she died hard", and when the killer likely began thrusting the knife backwards into the breast region and right arm of Cheri (which she may have used in a defensive motion across her chest). The close grouping of wounds to her breast region and upper right arm being the "only" 5 stab wounds to her front upper body. In an unrestrained scenario, in which Cheri Jo Bates had freedom of movement, one might expect more screams and less wound grouping.

The author of the Confession letter may have weaved his story around the screams reported by earwitnesses in the newspapers, and inadvertently (and somewhat) matched the autopsy report by sheer luck. Regardless of this argument, it is important to give some weight to the notion of the author and killer being one and the same. Previously, it has been stated on this website that the murder of Cheri Jo Bates was a prolonged and brutal attack, probably lasting upwards of one minute. However, the 6 stab wounds to her upper torso and right arm, along with the 7 neck injuries described at autopsy, could have been inflicted in as little as 20 seconds (or less). Would we have expected more screams from Cheri Jo Bates if the attack was dynamic and absent of restraint? There were 5 knife wounds to her front upper region (2 left breast, 1 right breast, 2 upper right arm) and a maximum of 3 possible knife wounds to her hands described at autopsy. That is 5 knife strikes and a potential 3 defensive wounds as the blade glanced her left and right hand as it passed by. If her right and left hand were shielding her respective breast region, then it must be noted that her left breast received 2 stab wounds and her left hand received 2 stab wounds, with her right breast receiving 1 stab wound and her right hand receiving 1 stab wound (see below). All the remaining injuries to her hands were described as abrasions at autopsy (likely as a result of impact and struggling while lying on the driveway floor).
[1] A curved and interrupted moderately deep laceration (2 cm overall} in the skin of the base of the lateral aspect of the right index finger.
[2] A more or less Y shape laceration in the skin of the dorsum of the left hand medially and at the junction of the wrist and hand.
[3] An irregular laceration of the skin of the dorsum of the left hand in line with the middle finger and is about the mid area.