The idea painted by the above passage, could be interpreted as: Shiri-Dine Bana headed off to Napa Community College on May 10th and met her assailant at this location, whether known or unknown. She was then either forced under duress, or she willingly drove to the area of Reservoir Road where she was murdered. The killer then drove her vehicle west to Blue Rock Springs Park, abandoned it, and made his escape on foot or by use of a second waiting vehicle.
The analysis of Detective Bob Fletcher, however, seems questionable, when we consider Shiri-Dine Bana was stabbed 25+ times in the neck, chest and back, along with the possibility of a blow to the head and strangulation. They must have been extremely sturdy eyeglasses to have remained on the young woman's face throughout such a ferocious attack (with no mentioned damage), in which Shiri-Dine Bana would have offered sustained resistance over a lengthy period against her attacker. If the murderer had committed this brutal murder in a grassy field, how did he manage to avoid any blood transfer to his body and/or clothing, and therefore the vehicle of Shiri-Dine Bana when he drove it the four miles to Blue Rock Springs?
If the young woman had been murdered elsewhere, the eyeglasses could have easily been transported along with the body to Reservoir Road and placed back on her head a few feet into the field (or had remained on her head throughout the journey). The fact that the body was discovered just six feet in from Reservoir Road by a Solano County employee responsible for trimming the roadside weeds, could be more suggestive of a dump site rather than the location of her murder. The killer could have placed the victim's glasses back on her head to give the impression she was murdered here (but if he did, made an error in doing so). The extent of the injuries inflicted on the young woman, in what was obviously a brutal assault, makes it almost unbelievable that her eyeglasses could have remained on her head throughout. If Detective Bob Fletcher surmised that her "eyeglasses would most likely have been jarred loose in transport had she been killed elsewhere", then how could he square this with her eyeglasses not being "jarred loose" after a viscous and prolonged attack of 25 or more stab wounds. The Solano County deputy coroner Mark Berto stated that "it would take a lot of strength to first force a knife through the sternum, and then be able to remove the blade as well." This strength would have come in useful when the perpetrator was required to remove the body from a second vehicle and carry it six feet into the field. If we take a look at the location of the first quarter of a mile into Reservoir Road, there doesn't appear any accessible parking areas to pull over, and with virtually no coverage from a tree line, a killer attacking a woman just six feet or thereabouts into the field for a prolonged period of time, is taking an inordinate risk in the commission of the crime. With the body being discovered so close to the roadside edge, it gives the impression the murderer literally carried the body just two or three steps into the field.

The obvious Zodiac connections have been drawn, with the body and vehicle having been found at virtually the same locations of Zodiac's first two attacks on December 20th 1968 and July 4th 1969. Napa Community College is also less than two miles from the 1231 Main Street, Napa payphone, where the Zodiac Killer confessed to the attack on Bryan Hartnell and Cecelia Shepard on September 27th 1969.