We will afford Officer Armond Pelissetti a very quick arrival time (let us say 30 seconds). If he arrived at 9:55 pm, then he must have received the APB at 9:54:30 - and so must Officer Donald Fouke. Officer Armond Pelissetti is now at the corner of Washington and Cherry at 9:55 pm, with Lindsey Robbins yelling at him and pointing out Zodiac approaching to north end of Cherry Street. Therefore, the Zodiac Killer is approximately 10 seconds shy of vanishing from Cherry Street, at 9:55 pm. If Officer Donald Fouke also got the APB at 9:54:30, his 819 meter journey to Jackson and Maple Street, at a modest 35 mph (allowing for intersections), is a journey time of 60 seconds. He stated he saw a man (believed to be Zodiac} approaching the intersection of Jackson and Maple, before this man headed north on Maple. This sighting was at 9:55:30 - meaning Zodiac was approaching the intersection of Jackson and Cherry at 9:55 pm at the very earliest, while also present near the intersection of Jackson and Maple.at 9:55:30, separated by at least 450 feet.(a journey time of at least 1 minute 37 seconds at normal walking speed}.
If the Zodiac Killer was spotted by Officer Donald Fouke at 9:55:30, having left the intersection of Washington and Cherry at 9:52:53, then he must reasonably be at the north end of Cherry by 9:53:53 at the latest. But for Officer Armond Pelissetti to see Zodiac there at 9:53:53, he must have received the initial radio dispatch 30 seconds earlier, at 9:53:23, which happens to be 1 minute 37 seconds before the reported time of the attack at 9:55 pm. I have been very generous with the timeline regarding Officer Armond Pelissetti and the Lindsey Robbins sighting of Zodiac, but whichever way you cut it, the timeline doesn't make sense. Even if we say that both Officer Armond Pelissetti and Lindsey were correct, and saw Zodiac approaching the intersection of Jackson and Cherry at 9:55 pm. Then we have to add a minimum of 1 minute and 37 seconds for Zodiac to be spotted by Officer Donald Fouke approaching Jackson and Maple. That would be 9:56:37, thereby making Officer Donald Fouke's journey time from Washington Street and Presidio Avenue to Jackson and Maple, a 2 minute and 7 second journey, traveling at 14.4 mph. The longer Officer Armond Pelissetti took to arrive at the crime scene, the more unbelievable the timeline becomes. If he arrived at the intersection of Washington and Cherry at 9:55 pm and it took him only one minute, he must have got the APB at 9:54 pm, which Officer Donald Fouke received also. Now Officer Armond Pelissetti is observing Zodiac at the top of Cherry at 9:55 pm, while Officer Donald Fouke would be observing Zodiac at 9:55 pm at Jackson and Maple, which is obviously not possible.
"Meanwhile, Officer Armond Pelissetti had been examining the cab", and once he got the amended description to a white male he got on the radio to update everybody. He then traveled up Cherry Street cautiously, using his police training to make sure he "did not get his head blown off". Mike Rodelli described that "as Pelissetti carefully made his way up the block, the patrol car carrying Officers Fouke and Zelms rounded the corner (Fouke having spotted the man near Maple Street seconds earlier) and they stopped and spoke". They had a brief conversation about the updated description, "as finally the corrected APB description from SFPD Dispatch came over the air on the channel Fouke was monitoring that evening, which was different from the channel over which it had initially been broadcast by Pelissetti".
Officer Armond Pelissetti received the amended description to a white male at the crime scene by the kids. which according to Mike was eventually aired by SFPD Dispatch as Pelissetti spoke to Fouke nearing the top of Cherry. But if Officer Donald Fouke had only spotted "the man near Maple Street seconds earlier", then he had passed the Zodiac Killer just over a minute into his journey from the initial dispatch at Washington Street and Presidio Avenue. That means Officer Donald Fouke met Officer Armond Pelissetti at the top of Cherry no longer than 90 seconds after he received the initial dispatch. Therefore, Armond Pelissetti had to travel to the crime scene after receiving the initial dispatch (at least 30 seconds), have his interactions with the teenagers, check on Paul Stine in the taxicab, update everybody on the radio to the amended description, and then travel up Cherry Street in a cautious fashion so he "did not get his head blown off" in a grand total of just 90 seconds in order to meet Donald Fouke at the top of Cherry. The journey up Cherry Street in cautious fashion, on its own, would take 90 seconds. Again showing the massive discrepancy in the timeline offered up by this order of events.
What Mike does not tell you, is the quote by Officer Donald Fouke in the 1989 Crimes of the Century show, in which he stated "We proceeded on Jackson Street towards Arguello continuing our search. As we arrived at Arguello Street the description of the suspect was changed to a white male adult - believing this suspect was possibly the one involved in the shooting we entered the Presidio of San Francisco and conducted a search on West Pacific Avenue, the opposite side of the wall and the last direction we observed the suspect going, we did not find the suspect." Here he gets the updated description to the white male adult on Arguello Boulevard, not at the top of Cherry Street as mentioned earlier. If we are going to use quotes from the 1989 TV show (or even the 2007 documentary), then why was this omitted from the storyline? Cherry picking certain quotes, while failing to mention others, can be used to guide the reader towards your particular narrative. The question that has to be asked, is what was Officer Donald Fouke doing traveling away from the crime scene he is supposed to be responding to, when supposedly he is still under the impression he is searching for a black male adult - unless Zodiac directed him that way. We can of course just conveniently ignore this statement by Officer Donald Fouke if it's not very helpful.
After the brief meeting with Officer Armond Pelissetti in the upper reaches of Cherry Street, in which Officer Donald Fouke had seconds earlier spotted the Zodiac Killer just past Maple Street, Donald Fouke made a three-point turn and headed off north on Cherry and west on Jackson. Armond Pelissetti then traveled up to the corner and headed east on Jackson to the intersection of Jackson and Maple, where he spotted a dog walker (Kjell Qvale/Zodiac) as he turned to go back toward Washington Street.
The 100 foot journey that the Zodiac Killer has from 3712 Jackson Street to the corner of Jackson and Maple, is approximately 22 seconds traveling at normal walking speed. This gives Donald Fouke ample time to travel to the corner of Jackson and Cherry and bump into Armond Pelissetti. The Zodiac Killer would now be roughly at the intersection of Jackson and Maple, while the two officers began their brief exchange. In the time it now takes for Officer Armond Pelissetti to travel the short distance to the top of Cherry Street and negotiate the journey east to the intersection of Jackson and Maple (approximately 500 feet in total distance) to spot Kjell Qvale, would mean that the Zodiac Killer (if Kjell Qvale) has to do the following.
Kjell Qvale would have to travel 370 feet to reach the front door of his residence (80 seconds}, possibly change his clothes (including the "three sweaters" and "lifts in his shoes" maybe), ditch the weapon, put his dog on the leach and immediately travel back to the intersection of Jackson and Maple (another 80 seconds) to be spotted by Officer Armond Pelissetti in Maple Street. This is a bare minimum of four minutes (longer if he entered the rear of his residence}. I shall let you decide if it took Armond Pelissetti four minutes to negotiate this journey east - and whether Kjell Qvale could reasonably manage everything he did at home, as well as traveling away from the Jackson and Maple intersection, and back again, before Armond Pelissetti arrived.
If we conclude that both Officer Donald Fouke and Lindsey Robbins saw Zodiac, then something about the story isn't correct. This has been covered several times before - but until I get a different answer to "your quibbling about minutes" (which is not an answer), the story remains impossible in its current form. Begin the video below at 1 minute.