The next communication mailed by the Zodiac Killer on October 13th 1969 promised to target young children, threatening that "School children make nice targets, I think I shall wipe out a school bus some morning. Just shoot out the front tire + then pick off the kiddies as they come bouncing out". But the most important section in the Vallejo News Chronicle article was "The pattern beginning to take shape apparently will end up a three-tiered diagonal structure composed of sections". The Zodiac Killer's 340 cipher, that followed the October 13th 1969 letter, was three-tiered just like the 408 cipher, but crucially it was structured diagonally for the majority of the coding, as postulated in the newspaper. The title of the newspaper article was Text Of Letter May Offer Clues, but did it offer the inspiration for the Zodiac Killer to create a diagonal shift in his 340 cipher just three months later?