Having now been informed of the gravity of the crime, he did the dutiful thing by informing the police of his recollection of the second vehicle in the turnout, but how would it have been received in light of the double murder, had he now admitted seeing the young girl lying on the turnout floor and just drove on past without seeking the immediate help of police, and making what was described as a "crank call" (possibly lacking urgency). Was James Owen reluctant to admit what he saw in the turnout that night because of his misinterpretation of the crime scene on his way to Humble Oil, and how it may have been viewed by police? Is it possible he saw one or both victims on the turnout floor and didn't make the phone call, making him even more reluctant to reveal the whole truth to police?
In the police report James Owen stated 'that just before he approached the scene, a vehicle passed him going in the opposite direction toward Vallejo. He could give no description of this vehicle. This occurred near the Borges Ranch'. The occupants of this vehicle never came forward - which leaves the possibility that this vehicle could have played some part in the crime. James Owen's gave a second statement on 12.24.68: "He definitely saw two cars, a station wagon and another vehicle, parked approximately three or four feet to the right of the station wagon. He did not see anyone in the cars or around them. He stated as he traveled approximately one quarter of a mile beyond, he thought he heard a shot." It is this statement that makes little sense from the standpoint of other eyewitnesses.
The couple were spotted in their vehicle shortly after 11:00 pm by Peggy and Homer Your, but 10 minutes later, according to James Owen, they had completely vanished from the turnout. He didn't mention the doors of either vehicle being open. So, if the Zodiac Killer had driven the young couple from the Rambler, but noticed James Owen approaching the turnout and hidden David Faraday and Betty Lou Jensen out of sight, we would have to assume he closed the door of his vehicle and the Rambler, and then later reopened the passenger side door of the Rambler for some unexplained reason - because this is how it was discovered by responding officers. The actual crime makes much more sense if the couple had already been shot when James Owen approached the turnout and simply misinterpreted what he saw. Had there been a second vehicle present at that time, then James Owen would have passed the turnout with Zodiac still on scene, but possibly out of sight. If there was no second vehicle, then the car traveling toward Vallejo by the Borges Ranch could have been the Zodiac Killer.
But the bottom line is, that had a phone call been received by Benicia Police Department - described as a "crank call" - then the person who made this phone call had to have passed the turnout very close to the time of Stella Medeiros. If it wasn't James Owen, it may have been the Zodiac Killer himself.