The only available envelope addressed to the San Francisco Chronicle newspaper that the 1978 letter author had available for them to mimic, was the November 8th 1969 envelope released in a newspaper article on November 16th 1970. This newspaper article clearly shows the front and back of the envelope, with "Please Rush to Editor" written in level fashion on the front of the envelope and in diagonal fashion on the rear of the envelope. The author of the 1978 envelope seemingly did an excellent job mimicking the handwriting on the front side of the November 8th 1969 envelope, yet inexplicably failed to write "Please Rush to Editor" in level fashion on the front of their 1978 envelope. Additionally, the author of the 1978 envelope failed to write "Please Rush to Editor" in diagonal fashion on the rear of the envelope, again failing to mimic the November 8th 1969 envelope - instead opting to mimic the Paul Stine letter which was never released into the public domain. In fact, the 1978 envelope was the only communication connected to the Zodiac Killer with the writing "Please Rush to Editor" in diagonal fashion on the front of an envelope. This copycat certainly wasn't very observant - apparently losing his train of thought from one side of the envelope to the other. Also, according to investigators, the author of the 1978 letter managed to mail the communication from either San Mateo or Santa Clara County, just like the Exorcist letter, four years earlier. Strange how he apparently never forgot that.