Did the Zodiac Killer react to this Vallejo Times-Herald newspaper article mentioning cryptograms, Antioch and the fact serial killers are usually unknown to their victims, by mailing a cryptogram to the Vallejo Times-Herald and possibly beginning with the words "To you from me, my name is"? The name and address (on the left side) possibly using an alternative cipher key.
The Zodiac Killer communications were often preceded by newspaper articles about him. The Zodiac Killer opened his letter-writing campaign to the San Francisco Chronicle, San Francisco Examiner and Vallejo Times-Herald on July 31st 1969. Other than the questioned "Cars Make Nice Weapons" letter on October 28th 1987, the Zodiac Killer or an impostor hadn't written to the Vallejo Times-Herald for twenty-one years until the arrival of the Celebrity Cypher on September 25th 1990. If the Zodiac Killer (assuming him the author) was to remain fairly consistent in replying to the newspaper articles about him, then the August 16th 1990 article in the Vallejo Times-Herald may have been a likely trigger for the Celebrity Cypher, mailed just a few weeks later. A few days before the August 16th 1990 article, Pam Huckaby (sister of Darlene Ferrin) had appeared on the Sally Jessy Raphael Show, outlining a series of threatening and disturbing incidents that befell her in recent weeks. Her claims are widely disregarded, but could the real killer of Darlene Ferrin (as opposed to an impostor) have watched the show and/or read the article, and composed the Celebrity Cypher the following month. Below is the article with highlighted sections. The article has a running theme of Pam Huckaby, who lives near Antioch, California, who has been sent cryptic messages. Notable passages are "The killer is called the Zodiac because of his cryptic messages, loaded with astrological symbols, to the news media and police investigators" and "Police in Antioch had been unresponsive to her earlier reports of death threats. Huckaby said there have been notes pinned to the door of her home - "cryptograms" and Zodiac signs". George Bawart stated "The Zodiac's success in his killing and the success of most serial killers are they have no connection with their victims". Did the Zodiac Killer react to this Vallejo Times-Herald newspaper article mentioning cryptograms, Antioch and the fact serial killers are usually unknown to their victims, by mailing a cryptogram to the Vallejo Times-Herald and possibly beginning with the words "To you from me, my name is"? The name and address (on the left side) possibly using an alternative cipher key. Thanks to David Oranchak for pointing me in the direction of this newspaper article.
3/25/2020 10:25:13 am
Thanks for posting this , Richard , and has its rightful place , in the scheme of Zodiac matters .
3/25/2020 11:12:18 am
It is important for the relatives of victims to keep pressing law enforcement, because this sometimes reignites relatively cold cases. Where Pam has not helped herself is claiming victims were known to one another where no such evidence exists that Darlene knew Betty Lou or Cheri Jo Bates, and claiming that Darlene had premonitions of her own death, which is not true. "I'm going to be in the papers tomorrow" was simply regarding the carnival that day. Also, anything pertinent to BRS should have been mentioned 50 years ago, not many years down the line. That is when truth and embellishment becomes blurred.
3/25/2020 12:44:00 pm
Cannot help thinking that the December 1990 card is connected to the Celebrity Cypher postcard. Both are cryptic in nature. The December communication being a clue to the September postcard. Of course, they both could be different authors, and neither are guaranteed to be Zodiac. However, the possibility always exists that the December author is suggesting two keys to the solution of the Celebrity Cypher. One for the message, one for the address. I know you have your own take Rubislaw, but was just mulling over the chances of one author for the two 1990 cards. 3/25/2020 01:46:21 pm
Yes , Richard , I am of the opinion that the two 1990 correspondences , are by the same author , and that it is the Zodiac . I believe that the FBI and CA DOJ are aware of this , and merely '' confident '' , if no actual forensics evidence to prove this , beyond a reasonable doubt .
3/25/2020 01:54:51 pm
....yes , and I believe that the '' Peek through the Pines '' card was constructed before , and possibly at a close time period to the '' 13 hole '' card , and see those two , as twins of a sort .
3/25/2020 04:57:58 pm
What date did the Harden's divorce?
3/25/2020 05:35:18 pm
I have seen a reference to it , from their daughter , as being in June ( 1990 ) Richard . But have yet to see anything official . 3/25/2020 03:33:03 pm
Yes indeed , the '' Peek through the Pines '' was the inference that he , the Zodiac , as WJGrant , had murdered Judith Hakari....and had nothing to do with Donna Lass who , wasn't even missing , at that ( real ) time .
3/25/2020 07:35:33 pm
Perhaps I should point out , that the ''Peek through the Pines '' card is yet another of the Zodiacs fibs , but yet another of those correspondences that was a '' double whammy '' fib....for WJGrant never killed anyone in his whole life and , though not pure as the driven snow , did not deserve the attention , that the Zodiac appears to have bestowed upon him , for the purposes of '' palm off '' .
3/26/2020 03:44:54 am
It's a very interesting Vallejo Times Herald article , from August 16th 1990 ,Richard , and certainly worth considering , as '' preempt-er '' for what was to come , in September , with the Celebrity Cipher .
3/26/2020 05:06:13 am
The reality is Rubislaw, he could have moved at this juncture and returned to Northern California to mail the 1990 communications, but the question is, if he wasn't travelling there for business or vacationing, he may as well have posted them from anywhere. Many of the outlier letters we have examined have come from all over America, including New York and Atlanta. There is little to no chance of locating the Zodiac Killer based on the area he mailed the communications, other than to say, if I were going to send menacing communications it wouldn't be from my home town. If I had to take a wild stab, I would go for a Zodiac Killer resident in Northern California throughout. You obviously sway towards Los Angeles at some point, which is not unrealistic.
3/26/2020 06:01:37 am
On the specific mailing question , Richard , this obviously appears to be a possibility . I don't know how that system really works , but I do wonder if the FBI can tell , or are in a position to find out the difference ( ? ).
3/26/2020 11:37:31 am
With the picture on the Celebrity Cipher postcard , Richard , becoming apparent as depicting Carmel Beach , Richard , an extra item of note :
3/26/2020 12:51:25 pm
There may be no connection whatsoever to the card chosen with respect to itself or the cipher. But if we are looking for a link, we have Clint Eastwood, Carmel, Dirty Harry (based on Zodiac), Oakland and Salinas in close proximity - take your pick. I suppose, without solving the coding to everybodies satisfaction, we cannot prove any of the links unfortunately. It sounds like the majority of the Zodiac case Rubislaw. Even when something can be proven, there are still dissenting voices. In a case where the shirt piece being mailed in by somebody claiming to be Zodiac, still isn't enough evidence for the killer and writer being the same, there is literally nothing that could convince some people. This communication is bereft of depth, so could never be proven one way or another by sight alone. The best we can do is offer a gut feeling. I couldn't say one way or another on this postcard.
3/26/2020 01:00:52 pm
You probably knew it was coming from me ( Lol )....but , how is it , that a Hearst Corporation financed TV series about investigating the Zodiac , hit on the idea to call a phoney computer , '' Carmel '' , for which to assist in breaking down the words , expression and ciphers , of '' The Cipher Slayer ''.
3/27/2020 06:14:45 pm
The word Carmel (Hebrew language: כַּרְמֶל) means "fresh" (planted), or "vineyard" (planted) and Karmiel (Hebrew: כַּרְמִיאֵל) is a portmanteau meaning "God's Vineyard" Wikipedia
3/30/2020 02:11:21 pm
Heracles, as a part of his Twelve Labours, was required to travel to the Garden of the Hesperides and pick the golden apples off the Tree of Life growing at its center. 3/26/2020 11:44:28 am
....and '' points scoring '' aside , the further inference is that the FBI required assistance with the solving of the Celebrity Cipher itself and , this they surreptitiously ''entrusted '' in Lafferty to deliver , when , via the Vallejo P.D. , they released the cipher side alone , in 2006....one year before Fincher's Hollywood film....and the '' miraculous '' discovery of the Eureka Card , in a S F Chronicle store cupboard (...no way , on earth...).
3/26/2020 12:57:58 pm
Yes, a bit odd a communication sitting in a file draw for 17 years. I presume it was opened in 1990. But one would have thought an apparently pointless Christmas card such as this, with just photocopied keys would have been tossed away shortly after opening. Because clearly they couldn't have suspected it to be Zodiac at the time. So why did it gain traction in 2007?
3/26/2020 01:17:39 pm
You have probably guessed , yourself , but the Eureka Card was released , as a decision by the FBI , to complete the 1990 '' picture ''. 3/27/2020 03:56:15 am
A couple of related points , Richard , simply to air at this juncture , if nothing more .
3/27/2020 06:08:38 am
That spelling of "Herold" could provide the biggest link from July 31st 1969 to September 25th 1990. If it wasn't altered (which is likely) then this elementary misspelling could verify the Celebrity Cypher.as Zodiac material. The Vallejo Times-Herald envelope wouldn't have been accessible in 1990 for a copycat to misspell.
3/27/2020 04:35:54 am
Whether the following observation , makes any difference , I am unsure : In examining the Benicia High School note , again , it is possible that it has been '' doctored '' in a conventional sense...that the writing has been inked over again , to highlight what looked too faded , as a photocopy '' product '' .
3/27/2020 05:41:14 am
...and of course , it may ask the question , that Bryan's car door , at Lake Berryessa , wasn't the only '' different medium '' that investigating officers have had to deal with ( ? ) .
3/27/2020 05:48:43 am
....and further , we shouldn't forget the Desk Top Poem .
3/27/2020 08:14:54 am
One shouldn't get too ahead of oneself , but the mural notion to the Benicia High School Note , does present further possibilities ( ? ) .
3/27/2020 02:34:07 pm
In examining the '' Note '' ,as is offered in your topic of 11/12/2019 , Richard , there could be '' giveaway '' signs along its Left-hand side .
3/27/2020 02:52:40 pm
If I'm understanding you correctly, couldn't the markings be fold lines transferring the ink. To decide whether it was written Banksy style, we probably have to look at the upside down writing to see if it's consistent with the rest.
3/27/2020 03:22:03 pm
Indeed ,its a bit of a stab , but those four '' lines'' have noticeable '' width '' ,and appear as more than a mere '' fold '' .
3/27/2020 03:44:04 pm
December 22nd 1972 was a Friday....so, perhaps we could surmise that December 22nd was the last designated day of the school term , before the Christmas break for the pupils .
3/27/2020 03:53:21 pm
Thanksgiving 1972 was Thursday November 23rd .
3/27/2020 04:53:59 pm
Was the '' Note '' 1972 or 1973 ?
3/27/2020 05:35:48 pm
The Benicia High School note was likely placed at the school in the September of 1973.
3/27/2020 06:34:42 pm
I'm up to speed on '' 1973 '' Richard . What is the perceived significance of '' September '' ? 3/27/2020 05:01:13 pm
December 22nd 1973 was a Saturday .
3/27/2020 07:19:48 pm
Oh....I see the '' ss '' . I thought that they were little z's .
3/28/2020 01:46:24 am
It's a good point to suggest that some of the writing at the bottom , may have been added , by '' someone '' else....like '' counter-intelligence '' , for instance ( ? ) .
3/28/2020 02:58:11 am
As a general point and , if we buy into most of the correspondences , both confirmed and unconfirmed , leaked into the public domain , one way or another then , it is apparent that...
3/28/2020 11:25:41 am
The first name may very well be: "Frank", "Wayne", "David"
3/28/2020 12:07:16 pm
For the most part , I think that for the reality of the observer , in order to understand the Zodiac , we have to suspend our beliefs to the perceived extent that the Zodiac did - to try to think the way he appears to have done .
3/29/2020 04:18:12 am
By examining the case of Derryberry and Lane , Richard , I am not dismissing your previous suggestion of a '' Saturday / September '' selection date for a presumed Zodiac's antics , out of hand .
3/29/2020 06:23:51 am
The two arrested for these murders would have been about 22 in 1973. The crime was Yuba City, nearly 100 miles away involving sexual assault. Connecting the Benicia note in any respect to these crime using a ''working fit' could probably be used for a multitude of other attacks much closer to the Bay Area. It's just my opinion, but I do not see any connection through the note. My overriiding opinion on the Benicia High School note is that the evidence points squarely at two irresponsible children, who lack the subtlety to draw another particular crime into the narrative of what is essentially a childish note. Irrespective of my take Rubislaw, here are a couple of small Yuba clippings from 1973.
3/29/2020 06:26:09 am
Here is another from November 13th 1973 3/29/2020 06:56:50 am
Thanks for the references , Richard , and in context will enjoy having a trawl .
3/30/2020 08:47:45 am
It was good to find one original article , Richard on the Derryberry/Lane case . An extra piece of information found , was the the bodies of the girls were found by two young men out target practising , near the dam .And , given that Harbour and Peterson murdered the girls with a shotgun , suggests that they , as with the other two young men , used that spot , for similar sport ( ? ) .
3/30/2020 09:39:52 am
North Central Airlines 1947-1979 , employed the familiar '' Herman the Duck '' corporate symbol , which could be seen in livery form , on the tails of all their aircraft fleet .
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