Three people had heard the voice of the Zodiac Killer, Bryan Hartnell who survived the brutal attack at Lake Berryessa in Napa County, and two police dispatchers, Nancy Slover and Dave Slaight, who all categorically stated that the man called 'Sam', who rang in to the Jim Dunbar show was not the same voice they had recalled from the Blue Rock Springs and Lake Berryessa attacks and therefore not the Zodiac. It was believed that Eric Weill, a mental patient was responsible for the hoax call to the Jim Dunbar show in the October of 1969. It is unknown whether the original caller to the Oakland Police Department was the real killer. However, just three-and-a-half months later on February 5th 1970, a second phone call would arrive during an on air interview by Jim Dunbar with a movie producer. The caller again claimed to be the Zodiac Killer.
“When headaches come on, you kill to get relief?” Dunbar asked at one point. “What other stuff you been on besides glue?”. Last October 23, Dunbar and attorney Melvin Belli, a guest on his early morning talk show, held a bizarre conversation with a man who said he was Zodiac. Belli set a meeting with the man, who did not show up. Today's call interrupted an interview by Dunbar with a movie producer. Police believe Zodiac is responsible for five killings in Northern California in the last 13 months. In a series of taunting cryptograms and letters to newspapers and police he has boasted of killing seven and threatened to kill more. Dunbar’s side of the conversation was recorded but not the other voice. The station said something had gone wrong with the monitor on the caller’s voice.
The conversation ran, in part, like this: "What other stuff you been on besides glue? Oh, gas? flow do you get? Oh. Do you still have parts of the shirt you sent the newspaper? Oh. . , . Did the victim make a move on you? In other words, you thought he was going to move? .... Did you have the 9 mm gun? Oh, three guns. What, four guns? How could you conceal four guns? ‘‘When headaches come on, you kill to get relief? . . . Chief evil is what ? . . . Sonny Barger of Hell’s Angels?. Meridith Hunter—you are going to do it yourself to bring justice on the Meridith Hunter murderer? Oh. . . Were you anywhere near Altamont for the rock concert? Oh, you knew it was a hoax? . . . You weren’t there?. . . . “You hate Yellow Cabs? . . . Is that why you killed Paul Stine? . . . You want Belli to represent you? . . . You want life in prison, not death?. m m Why Friday 13th? Is that a bad day? ... You say you’re a tranquility smoker? ... Oh, for 10 years? How can you say that when you’re only 18? . . . What usually brings your headache on? You go without sleep? Months? .. . Are you gassed now? . . . Why do you mix booze with drugs? "Why don’t we get together before Friday 13th? ... You say southwest corner of the Tonga Room? You have a girl? Oh, two. Pretty young, you say, 21 and 24? . . . Tell me one thing you told Belli that I don't know, or wrote to him that nobody else knows. I won't repeat it.”
The Tonga Room is a tiki bar established in 1945 in the Fairmont Hotel, Fairmont, San Francisco, 950 Mason St, San Francisco. The Tonga Room is 10 minute walk from the intersection of Mason and Geary Streets.