If the Zodiac Killer was not the murderer of Robert Salem - and didn't have inside knowledge of the discovery on April 19th - the first time he would have become aware of his pseudonym being found at a murder scene was when he bought his morning newspaper on April 20th 1970. The very same day, a letter arrived at the San Francisco Chronicle stating "PS I hope you have fun trying to fiygure out who I killed" and "I have killed ten people to date". After four months of not writing, was the timing of this letter really a coincidence - falling on the same day his bloody pseudonym was reported on the wall of a murder victim. The Zodiac Killer could easily have just written the victim count once, next to his crosshairs, but specifically added "I have killed ten people to date", suggesting that we should include the month of April into the equation. The Zodiac Killer was seemingly attempting to push us into concluding he was the murderer of Robert Michael Salem. By including a short code of thirteen characters, which included the three number eights (Christ the Redeemer in Christian numerology, and the opposing value of 666, the number of the beast), was the phrase of "I hope you have fun trying to fiygure out who I killed" trying to lead us to "Satan Saves" on the wall of the apartment?