#1. Paul Stine was murdered at Washington and Maple and the Zodiac Killer drove the taxicab one block further.
#2. Paul Stine was murdered before Washington and Maple and the Zodiac Killer drove the taxicab to Washington and Cherry.
#3. The Zodiac Killer intended to murder Paul Stine at Washington and Maple, but the presence of people on the sidewalk or in vehicles at this location forced him to change his plans.
#4. The Zodiac Killer intended to murder Paul Stine at Washington and Cherry, he simply stated Washington and Maple to throw investigators off the mark.
#5. The Zodiac Killer intended to murder Paul Stine at Washington and Cherry, he simply made a mistake in giving the destination as Washington and Maple, and realized this on his approach to the area or somewhere en route.
#6. The Zodiac intended to murder Paul Stine at Washington and Maple, but had second thoughts (or exhibited hesitation) before ultimately settling on murder one block later.
#7. Another scenario.