This representation will be explained in greater detail below.
[2] The second shot immediately following the first, with the casing flying to the right and rear, likely striking the hood of the assailant's vehicle and coming to rest by the front of his vehicle, 14 feet to the right side of the Rambler.
[3] The killer approaches the Rambler and fires off his third shot (green line) into the right rear window, just above the window liner. The bullet came to rest in the left rear wheel well of the Rambler. By calculating the angle of the bullet trajectory of approximately 17 to 19 degrees to the horizontal, we know that the shooter based on a height of 5'10", had to be standing no more than 4-5 feet from the Rambler. With an extended arm, this would place the gun 25-30 inches from the Rambler window when fired. So, unless the shooter walked backwards after this shot and fired into the headliner, this was likely the third shot that night, as the killer approached the couple's vehicle. The ejected casing flies to the rear, somewhere in the region of the green circle, measured at 8'2" from the right side of the Rambler. The positions of these circles are only approximations based on the measurements given in the police report.
[4] The couple are forced from the vehicle and David Faraday is callously executed with a bullet to the left side of his head (just under the ear). He is standing with his back to the Rambler, and the casing ejects to the rear, traveling either directly or indirectly off the Rambler door, coming to rest on the front passenger floorboard of the Rambler (yellow line and circle).
[5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] The shooter takes a step or two forward and fires at Betty Lou Jensen as she flees into the distance. The first shot at extremely close range left gunpowder residue on her dress, despite this however, she would reach 33 feet from the rear of the Rambler before collapsing backwards, ultimately being discovered 28 feet from the Rambler (where the policeman is shining his torch in the background). The casings are ejected in the blue grouping - close to the right side of the Rambler. The dark blue circle representing 1 of the 6 shots he fired at Betty Lou Jensen, that possibly missed their target.
Two bullets were never retrieved from the scene, indicating they either missed Betty Lou Jensen while she was running for her life, missed the Rambler on the shooter's approach to the vehicle, were fired into the air as a warning, or were a combination of these possibilities. However, considering the tight grouping of six casings close to the vehicle, it is arguable, they were fired from the same location. It is unlikely the shooter would miss the Rambler standing right next to it. He likely missed the Rambler when initially exiting his vehicle, the two bullet casings at 14 and 20 feet striking his vehicle and coming to rest in the respective positions shown below.
If you have any alternative thoughts on the sequence of shots fired on December 20th 1968, or opinions on the Lake Herman Road double murder, please leave your contributions in the comments section below.