The Zodiac Killer mailed a Halloween card on October 27th 1970, 'circling' his instruments of, death by knife, death by gun, death by fire and death by rope. Therefore, a film where the instruments of death are the main feature of the story, in which a masked killer is hunting women in Los Angeles, driven by a hatred of sinners and religious mania, appears like the sort of movie that Zodiac would crack out the popcorn for. The Toolbox Murders was released in El Paso, Texas on February 17th 1978, with the more general release in the USA on March 3rd 1978. This movie, however, was a little more extreme. The murders were by electric drill, by screwdriver, by hammer and by nail gun. The general release was just 52 days before the arrival of the April 24th 1978 letter, meaning the Zodiac Killer could have been sitting in a cinema near you.