The Zodiac Killer mailed a Halloween card on October 27th 1970, 'circling' his instruments of, death by knife, death by gun, death by fire and death by rope. Therefore, a film where the instruments of death are the main feature of the story, in which a masked killer is hunting women in Los Angeles, driven by a hatred of sinners and religious mania, appears like the sort of movie that Zodiac would crack out the popcorn for. The Toolbox Murders was released in El Paso, Texas on February 17th 1978, with the more general release in the USA on March 3rd 1978. This movie, however, was a little more extreme. The murders were by electric drill, by screwdriver, by hammer and by nail gun. The general release was just 52 days before the arrival of the April 24th 1978 letter, meaning the Zodiac Killer could have been sitting in a cinema near you.
Nearly one month after the March 13th 1971 Los Angeles letter, a Zodiac film directed by Tom Hanson was released on April 7th 1971, followed later that year by the Don Siegel blockbuster Dirty Harry movie, based on the Zodiac Killer and released on December 23rd 1971. Despite both of these films directly and indirectly referring to the Zodiac Killer, the Bay Area murderer would remain quiet for nearly three years until the arrival of the Exorcist letter on January 29th 1974. He certainly wasn't impressed by The Exorcist (1973), describing it as "the best saterical comidy that I have ever seen". Maybe he was unimpressed by all three movies, thereby dragging himself out of retirement on April 24th 1978 and impatiently requesting: "I am waiting for a good movie about me, who will play me". But what inspired him to write the "I am back with you" letter at this particular juncture? The obvious answer may be that he had just watched or read about a serial killer and wanted a "good movie" featuring "yours truly". The Zodiac Killer mailed a Halloween card on October 27th 1970, 'circling' his instruments of, death by knife, death by gun, death by fire and death by rope. Therefore, a film where the instruments of death are the main feature of the story, in which a masked killer is hunting women in Los Angeles, driven by a hatred of sinners and religious mania, appears like the sort of movie that Zodiac would crack out the popcorn for. The Toolbox Murders was released in El Paso, Texas on February 17th 1978, with the more general release in the USA on March 3rd 1978. This movie, however, was a little more extreme. The murders were by electric drill, by screwdriver, by hammer and by nail gun. The general release was just 52 days before the arrival of the April 24th 1978 letter, meaning the Zodiac Killer could have been sitting in a cinema near you. These violent murders are committed in a Los Angeles apartment, where the killer is picking off the tenants one-by-one. This makes it all the more unusual that the only two known letters ever mailed from Los Angeles (in which the writer identified himself as Zodiac), were mailed immediately after the April 24th 1978 letter. On May 2nd 1978, the alleged Bay Area murderer opened with "This is the Zodiac speaking" and finished with "Hey - - - you actors - this is your lucky Break. Remember - whoever plays me has his work cut out for him". On July 19th 1978, the alleged murderer of five began with "I am the ZODIAC and I am in control of all things. I am going to tell you a secret. I like friction tape. I like to have it around in case I need to truss someone up in a hurry". The Zodiac Killer must have loved The Toolbox Murders, but acting out a fantasy in Los Angeles seems extremely far-fetched - doesn't it?
8/9/2020 11:11:06 am
The two people who may have been inspired by the movie are the Toolbox Killers in Southern California (Lawrence Bittaker and Roy Norris), who committed their crimes a little over a year after the release of the movie. They employed a similar sick MO.
8/9/2020 11:57:14 am
I once touted the idea that the "yours truly" tag on the 1978 letter was triggered by the "Ripper". Rather, the Yorkshire Ripper, who was gaining worldwide attention for his murders in the north of England. This idea seemed simpler. If the communication was by Zodiac, then something must have shook him from his slumber - and Zodiac was usually inspired through the media. Yes, I read up on the Bittaker and Norris crimes. They seemed like they were influenced by The Toolbox Murders, and Zodiac possibly inspired to put pen to paper by it. It's not like there were several serial killer films made in March and April of 1978. The Zodiac was similarly inspired by the Vanishing Point film in 1971 stating "If the Blue Meannies are evere going to catch me, they had best get off their fat asses + do something". The Vanishing Point film January trailer stated "They want to get him and put him away, but there'll have to catch him first". The Vanishing Point film was released in the USA on March 13th 1971, the exact date of the Los Angeles letter.
8/10/2020 12:32:11 am
Well Richard , difficult for me to let your comments go by , without not having realised before , that the '' yours truly '' tag may have been inspired , at that point , by reading about the Yorkshire Ripper , as opposed to the Whitechapel Ripper ( ? ) .
8/10/2020 01:58:25 am
Or, somebody of British heritage whose parents were british, but was born in America. Foreign newspapers transported to America. But I take your point Rubislaw.
8/10/2020 02:03:23 am
The author of the Exorcist letter spelt truly, truley. Both truley and truely are obviously incorrect, yet the 1978 author makes no such mistake. The Dear Boss letter uses the correct spelling just like the 1978 letter. 8/10/2020 02:43:37 am
Taken on board , Richard . It does seem that the alphabetic letter '' e '' was the single biggest problem ( with or without ) for the Zodiac , in his spelling .
8/11/2020 08:01:05 am
Here is a throwaway idea Rubislaw. Remember your good citizen card. ''Go to 56 Beach Street. I get the name Jerry, perhaps he knows people or his name is XXXXXXX''.
8/11/2020 12:07:01 pm
Well , you have certainly caught my interest again Richard , and I'll have a think on , about the points of observations that you make .
8/11/2020 12:23:38 pm
....and the possible '' third '' coming of the Zodiac , in 1978 , really does give clues , that he has arrived from a period abroad , and intends to focus his attention , once again , on California . 8/11/2020 03:54:17 pm
Yes , the claims made in the ESP / Good Citizen letter indicated 4 days ( ? ) before the murder of Paul Stine , so one feels that it could be a mischievous '' retrospective clue left behind , to embarrass investigating police .
8/11/2020 04:20:10 pm
Robert E Lee
8/11/2020 04:35:04 pm
'' Go to 56 Beach Street '' , sounds like an instruction given , in the game of Monopoly .
8/11/2020 05:29:20 pm
For this ESP / Good Citizen letter , sent to Vallejo's John Lynch , October 7th 1969 :
8/11/2020 05:41:13 pm
'' Go to 56 Beach Street . I get the name Jerry , perhaps he knows people...''
8/11/2020 05:58:23 pm
I still find it difficult to believe that the Zodiac ever actually left his actual name behind , in any documented evidence . It's always possible , of course , on a basis of the thrill of knowing that it did exist , and that it wasn't as if he hadn't done so .
8/11/2020 07:41:05 pm
Hartnell said the killer spoke with a southern accent
8/11/2020 10:34:09 pm
Is that right , BB ? I thought he said '' neutral '' , but I haven't read Hartnell's statement in a long while .
8/12/2020 12:46:22 am
A suggestion of the Zodiac having a '' drawl '' ( ? ) .
8/12/2020 01:37:51 pm
Hartnell has zero real world knowledge.
8/12/2020 02:54:51 pm
Indeed , a bit of a mystery when , he comes over philosophical , as with : '' Some crimes are just not meany to be solved .'' . 8/12/2020 03:15:40 pm
Almost a '' telling '' observation about the phenomenon of height of the Zodiac . The CA DOJ do have it documented in a report of Lake Berryessa : '' 5ft 10in - 6ft 2in ''.
8/12/2020 06:00:28 pm
Rubislaw I keep trying to correlate other descriptions at the other crime scenes LMFAO as we have at least two separate killers. Take all the witness descriptions 8/12/2020 01:25:32 am
Yes...the interviewer pushed the '' drawl '' , and then corrected it to '' accent '' , BB . One assumes that '' southerner '' was inferred , but the reader never really received Hartnell's confirmation which , had probably come at the start , for which we are not privy to ( ? ) .
8/12/2020 08:34:30 am
When corrected it to"accent '' He really should have said dialect
8/12/2020 08:51:24 am
I agree . Having now re-read Hartnell's published statement , it certainly appears as if we are viewing only part of one , from his hospital bed .
8/12/2020 10:28:45 am
So , it has come to pass that a smiling couple '' Angie and Tom '' are marketing Zodiac face masks , for the equivalent of $20 each , and have now sold 638 .
8/12/2020 11:06:46 am
The Last time I heard , the publishing copyright for many of the Zodiac related correspondences , such as the Z340 cipher , is held by the Rupert Murdoch lead consortium '' 21st Century Fox ''.
8/12/2020 01:31:41 pm
What suspects are there with a southern dialect?
8/12/2020 01:53:44 pm
Interesting question BB , and would have to scratch further.
8/12/2020 02:26:30 pm
Anyone notice the new celebrated resident of San Francisco , and Presidio Heights , in particular .
8/12/2020 03:24:04 pm
Dennis William Land, a descendant of pioneer Napa families, died March 17, 2010.
8/12/2020 05:07:09 pm
Dennis William Land, died on St. Patrick's - Darlene's birthday 2010
Mr Grimpy
8/13/2020 11:27:41 am
So now criticizing a victim of the Zodiac is fair game. Have you two "experts" bottomed out yet?
8/13/2020 12:24:59 pm
Going by all the barriers of your's we'll never find-out who he is - this business is too rough for the timid.
8/13/2020 01:35:36 pm
Surely you aren't naive enough to believe that you can get off lightly , with a cheap and uninformed comment , such as yours , Mr.Gimpy ?
8/13/2020 03:37:33 pm
On October 6 1969 Montana Prison Guard John R Thomas was shot dead in the town of Deer Lodge.
8/13/2020 04:17:39 pm
Some interesting points made , BB .
8/13/2020 04:56:30 pm
An interesting piece , if anyone feels inclined to sample , is '' American Drill - Red Cut , White Cut , Blue Cut '' A short book of poetry , published in 1963 ( accessed variously , through Google Images ) .
8/13/2020 05:53:33 pm
Rubislaw - perusing thru a lot of art related stuff - looking for anything generally?
8/13/2020 06:38:04 pm
To catch the Zodiac out , as the plagiarist that we know that he was - is the biggest thrill .
8/13/2020 06:59:17 pm
With Carl Andre , he clearly has a thing about Edweard Muybridge - the Anglo-American pioneering photographer , who specialised in animal locomotion .
8/14/2020 08:33:07 am
Artist Carl Andre seems the type to be a Zodiac suspect
8/14/2020 08:40:19 am
I presume Andre can account for his whereabouts 1968 - 1971 ( ? ) . 8/13/2020 07:20:17 pm
The Desk Top poem is a complex entity , made up of different parts .
8/13/2020 07:42:36 pm
Yes...Jack London , with one of his most famous books , '' The Sea Wolf '' , involving a shipping collision in San Francisco Bay .
8/13/2020 07:57:06 pm
Hyde Park in the heart of London , was originally known as Serpentine Park , but re-named Hyde Park , after '' War of the Worlds '' . But , retaining '' The Serpentine '' as the name , for its man-made lake .
8/14/2020 03:53:34 am
Just focusing back on the ESP/Good Citizen letter again , Richard , the Beach Street address was at the heart of the North Beach associations with the bookish Beatnik set , that had preceded the '' new '' Hippy era .
8/14/2020 05:10:40 am
"During the 1960s, California was the site of many outdoor art fairs, which nurtured a culture of independent artists and craftspersons. At this time there was an effort to sell crafts on the sidewalks of the liberal Haight-Ashbury neighborhood of San Francisco. Artists and street performers who illegally set up in public areas were frequently harassed and arrested by the police. In the 700 block of Beach Street adjacent to Victorian Park and near Fisherman's Wharf, between 15 and 25 artists would set up their displays and use lookouts to alert them to the arrival of the police".
8/14/2020 05:13:27 am
At the time of the ESP / Good Citizen , the ongoing and big news story was the trial of the '' Chicago 8 '' Yippies . The intellectual '' Youth International Party '' led by Berkeley University educated Jerry Rubin .
8/14/2020 02:22:48 pm
Interesting that the Hollywood film '' The trial of the Chicago Seven '' ( of the accused had their charges dropped , during the trial...) , is to be released in two months time .
8/14/2020 05:51:54 am
I notice that there is currently an original '' Melvin eats Blubber '' button , on sale on E-bay . With postage , a '' whopping '' $60 .
8/14/2020 06:08:43 pm
Hartnell tells the Zodiac "Kill me first cuz I'd hate to see the girl killed."
8/14/2020 06:49:18 pm
Most certainly the '' getaway '' for the Zodiac as the priority , BB . That part had to be practised , more than any other .
8/14/2020 07:20:22 pm
This is a point , of more importance , I believe , that many give notice ( ? ) .
8/14/2020 07:55:34 pm
Yes indeed , and anyone is free to throw the brickbats in my direction , but...
8/14/2020 08:02:32 pm
Could it have been different to a ten-dollar bill ? 8/14/2020 08:58:52 pm
The persuasiveness of the authenticity of a July 19th 1978 typed letter to the San Francisco Chronicle ( ? ) .
8/15/2020 03:51:17 am
That is all there is , with ( presumed ) reference to Toschi , from the Zodiac , but could be construed , thus :
8/15/2020 07:03:37 am
Might wanna look up the movies that were playing in the Bay Area on April 24th, 1978. Maybe the 1971 "Zodiac" movie was playing again or "Dirty Harry".
8/15/2020 01:46:13 pm
Nice spot on the making of '' Halloween '' , Shawn .
8/15/2020 07:35:28 am
I did a search for movies playing Sunday, April 23rd in the San Fran Examiner.
8/15/2020 09:02:19 am
If it were by Inspector Dave Toschi - could it be possible that he did more than just send fan mail to a journalist at the SF Chronicle? If that was all there was to it he would not have been so demoted. And, perhaps then he was caught blue handed. Blue with the Zodiac ink on them. Not red from any killings.
8/15/2020 02:07:39 pm
I think that most Zodiac followers tend to admire Toschi , and don't hold it against him , that he gave in to temptation over something that exposed him to , on occasion , the limelight and , the human weaknesses of vanity , for which we are all prone , once in a while .
8/15/2020 04:56:13 pm
Very good of you Rubislaw to say - However that did not answer the difficult question.
8/15/2020 07:12:43 pm
Good to keep the key question highlighted , BB .
8/16/2020 08:29:57 am
I know you like the New Canaan letters and ciphers Rubislaw. The decoded cryptograms mentions Shauna and Missus Taylor. Shauna is mentioned twice, and in one section reads "Shauna, if you wish to know my identity you will have to put some effort into it, not fiddle and fart around. Here is a clue as Missus Taylor. If she remembers who draws the symbol then you will have me". Michael Morford believed this may have been a young kid who authored these two Stamford, Connecticut communications. So I looked up the New Canaan High School class year books where the forename Shauna and surname Taylor were present in the same high school year. In 1989 (one year after the 1988 letters) there was a Shauna McCarthy and a Christa Taylor in that high school year. Only 26,120 girls in the United States have been named Shauna since 1880. That is 140 years. So finding Shauna in the 1988 New Canaan letters and in a 1989 New Canaan year book, in accompaniment to a 'Missus Taylor' is significant. These two women would be about 48 today, and may probably know the strange kid in their classroom who "draws the symbol". Probably on the blackboard. He may have read Graysmith's 1986 book. Here is a link to the high school class year of 1989.
8/16/2020 08:31:22 am
Here is the class of 1989.
8/16/2020 08:39:43 am
Shauna McCarthy now lives in Pennsylvania
8/16/2020 08:43:21 am
At 239 Rodney Cir Bryn Mawr PA 19010-3729
8/16/2020 12:26:11 pm
Richard - These are clues or leads or trace elements that have been left behind for us to examine.
8/16/2020 12:42:05 pm
I don't want to misrepresent Rubislaw's opinions, but I believe he thinks that Canaan letter may be/or are Zodiac. I don't consider them Zodiac at all, moreover, a couple of communication written by a bored teenager with a few brain cells missing. But by finding Shauna and Missus Taylor, it may lead to the identity of the author.
8/16/2020 02:52:54 pm
Thanks for the extra information , both Richard and BB .
8/16/2020 09:47:13 pm
This seems to be a repeating piece of claimed evidence , by the FBI...
8/16/2020 04:07:38 pm
An interesting coincidence is that Carl Andre was born and brought up , in Quincy , Massachusetts . Just south of Boston . Two years at Art College , after leaving school ; then a year in the Army , before moving to New York .
8/16/2020 04:27:58 pm
The BBC's long-running weekly show , Tomorrow's World , ran from 1965 to 2003 ,equivalent to High-Tec and new inventions programs today .
8/17/2020 12:48:43 pm
Some of the things pointing to the group thesis for the Zodiac.
8/17/2020 04:22:38 pm
Richard when you said this last year -
8/17/2020 04:47:36 pm
Not the bearded man and woman, just a lone killer sitting in wait for CJB to attempt to start her vehicle. It was just the timing of about 2 minutes from scream to car starting up that peaked my interest of where the assailant's car was parked. However, because the woman who overheard the vehicle lived at the Sheri Lynn apartments, it's more likely that if the old car was the assailant's, it was more likely parked west of the alleyway. Besides BB, I'm totally unconvinced CJB had anything to do with Zodiac. At least the murder itself.
8/17/2020 06:11:55 pm
Could Rick have also killed Paul Stine - just to get his brother dead brother one more time?
8/17/2020 06:17:18 pm
Are you totally convinced CJB had nothing to do with Zodiac?
8/18/2020 12:42:09 am
I have varied over the years BB, but at the moment I would say 95/5 against it being Zodiac for the murder. 80/20 chance of not being the letter writer. 8/18/2020 01:30:27 am
Crikey Richard , you really are in '' pessimism straits '' over the Bates correspondences ( ? ) . 8/18/2020 02:57:39 am
To each his own , as is said .
8/18/2020 07:57:01 am
Do you know Rubislaw, the more I look at the casual "I do have to give them credit for stumbling across my riverside activity, but they are only finding the easy ones, there are a hell of a lot more down there", the more I think he's a liar. He adopts almost a dismissive or reluctant approach, in that his hand is being forced to give police credit. Then immediately passes the moment of Cheri Jo Bates (that he could have given more proof or extra details of his involvement), to effectively attempt to bolster his involvement in the Riverside murder by claiming a lot more, thereby attempting to sell the notion it was no big deal. His "hell of a lot more" he provides no details about and nobody else can find any murders in that timeframe that resemble a Zodiac style crime, or otherwise. His passive, short March 13th communication a rather telling example of somebody bolstering his claim to the Riverside murder, by claiming additional murders he can't prove or provide evidence for either. 8/18/2020 09:39:38 am
Yes , I certainly see this ''...claiming a lot more , thereby attempting to sell the notion that it was no big deal . '' 8/17/2020 04:39:32 pm
Some very pertinent points brought to the fore , BB , and your last paragraph certainly does bring to mind that , at the very epicentre of the beginning of the case ( retrospectively ) , there was a considerable number of men of a similar age , from Vallejo and close surrounds , who all knew or knew of each other .
8/31/2020 03:15:37 pm
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