The episode began with investigators digging up a random piece of ground near Mount Diablo in the vain hope of unearthing a supposed planted bomb some 47 years after the fact, that left one feeling rather underwhelmed, before chasing down another well trodden path in the search for the possible burial place of Donna Lass in the region of Donner Memorial State Park using a code that has nothing to do with the Zodiac Killer.
Lawrence Kane has now seemingly usurped Riverside suspect Ross Sullivan, and in the process, Zodiac has lost five inches in height, which now apparently isn't that big an issue - a suspect bolstered by former Detective Sergeant Ed Rust, brought on to give credence to this 'new' avenue of investigation. The Zodiac Killer has now become a criminal mastermind, tossing Professor James Moriarty onto the scrapheap, as the supercomputer Carmel splutters to metamorphosize into Zodiac's brain, aiming to unlock the Picasso of all ciphers. The transformation of a cold-blooded murderer who was extremely lucky to evade capture, from chrysalis to butterfly, is almost complete. Nothing could be further from the truth.
The final 'revelation' on the History Channel was the Dali symbol and 13 Moon Calendar, discovered without the services of Carmel, yet a cursory search of 'Zodiac Killer 13 Moon Calendar' using another piece of amazing technology called Google, would have shown I made this discovery on January 21st 2013 and outlined in several articles on this site. Although not presented as a new find by the team, the shock and awe with agape mouths, was no doubt intended to give this impression.
In case anybody is interested, here is the full list of the Dali dates, all falling on the first day of the 13 Moon Calendar:
David Faraday, December 20th 1968, Betty Lou Jensen, December 20th 1968, Darlene Ferrin, July 4th 1969, Cecelia Shepard, September 27th 1969, Paul Stine, October 11th 1969, John Hood, February 21st 1970, Sandra Garcia, February 21st 1970, Thomas Dolan, July 4th 1970 and Homer Shadwick, July 4th 1970 - all of which fall on the first day of the 13 Moon Calendar week.
Additional possible victims include Nancy Bennallack, October 25th 1970, Judith Hakari, March 7th 1970, Robin Graham, November 15th 1970, Jeanette Kamahele, April 25th 1972 and Lynn Maureen Derrick, July 26th 1972. The Zodiac compiled his 'Little List' on July 26th 1970. This again falls on the Dali symbol and is the beginning of the 13 Moon Calendar. The November 8th 1969 340 cipher also falls in line. The first three attacks by Zodiac all sit under the Dali symbol, but crucially all fall on day 8, lending some credence to the three circled 8's on the 13-Symbol cipher. The three circles being symbols for the moon.