There are two noticeable features on this cipher - the first being the corrected sixth line, where the Zodiac Killer visibly corrects the letter K for a reversed version of the same letter. This could be construed as unusual because the killer was never particularly worried about spelling errors in much of his correspondence. The second feature was the near-Zodiac on the final line. When we consider the reversed K, we must consider the letter F to its right hand side if we are looking for initials. The 340 cipher contains two horizontal formations of K and F, and one horizontal formation of F and K. These are situated on the 2nd, 6th and 19th lines. The one in the bottom left quadrant is the odd one out, with the F preceding the K - but this will change. The reason for highlighting these two letters on the 340 cipher is because the Zodiac Killer had corrected the sixth line, thereby drawing attention to this area. This alone is pretty meaningless, until we consider the '13 Hole' postcard mailed on October 5th 1970.
This communication again reversed the FK formation by rotating the pasted text through 180 degrees, exactly as the author had done with the letter K in the 340 cipher. He also supplied us with the phrase "Fk, I'm crackproof", which fits nicely into the '13 Symbol' cipher code mailed on April 20th 1970, thereby completing the phrase "This is the Zodiac speaking. By the way have you cracked the last cipher I sent you? My name is Fk, I'm crackproof". The first 8 begins FK. The second 8 begins IM. The third 8 begins CRACKPROOF. For the complete story click here.
The Halloween card revealed that the 340 cipher was little more than a design based on a Dick Tracy decoder with paradice and slaves in a cross formation, with By Fire, By Gun, By Rope and By Knife in each quadrant. Therefore the letter N formed in mirror image must be relevant to the 340 cipher also. The Zodiac Killer had reversed the letter K on the sixth line of the 340 cipher and reversed the letter K on the '13 Hole' postcard, If we place a mirror in front of the bottom left quadrant of the 340 cipher, the F and K now reverse position (and individually), with the letter K now to the left of the letter F, thereby mimicking the order of the other two formations on the 340 cipher. They are slightly different in design, but in every case on the 340 cipher and '13 Hole' postcard, the Zodiac Killer has made a conscious decision to ensure the letter K is preceding the letter F by use of mirror image or rotating the text through 180 degrees. The red rectangle shows the bottom left quadrant as a mirror image.
We have five cryptic communications in the 340 cipher, '13 Symbol' cipher, '13 Hole' postcard, Halloween card and Exorcist letter providing us with the KF or FK connection in varying degrees. Therefore, we will take a speculative look at the December 1990 Eureka card (the sister card to the Halloween card), again tempting us with his name. It stated "From your secret pal, can't guess who I am yet? Well, look inside and you'll find out". The card inner contained only a xeroxed image on a slip of paper.
One would like to think this was a continued response to the challenge of Professor D.C.B. Marsh of the American Cryptogram Association, and the Zodiac Killer had given us his initials once again - but unfortunately it only contained the reversed image of a Flashlight and Keys.
KF, I'm crackproof, what is the price tag now?