It has been alleged that the Widow of Officer Eric Zelms did once, when directly asked, tell that Her Late Husband Eric did in fact disclose to Her that He and Don had stopped & spoken to a White Male near Jackson and Maple Intersection. Eric is alleged to Have told His Wife Diana:
"We did speak to an individual walking down the Hill away from the crime area. He did absolutely nothing to cause us to be suspicious and answered all our questions. He was completely calm and did not give us any indications that He was nervous or had committed any wrong doing. He didn't stand out, He looked like the average Man."
Dianna Stated that when it came to light Two days later that it was actually 'Zodiac' responsible and they'd likely spoke to the Most Wanted Man in America that night, Eric felt bad and from that day right up to the day He died, His widow said He never went anywhere without carrying the composite drawing and hoping against hope He would come across Him again.
It had been noted many times by those who observed Zodiac that He appeared to have little concern or care for His potential to be Seen or Apprehended. The most obvious of examples is His executing Paul Stine in the middle of an Intersection and proceeding to hang around ripping pieces of Paul's shirt off, wiping both the Interior and Exterior of the Yellow Cab that was His chosen crime scene, before witnesses stated He "Casually Walked away down Cherry Street."
His completely calm and non panicked appearance could be suggestive of A Military Background where He has been in active combat and as such, has been trained to remain calm in the face of extreme danger.
Comments and Ideas welcome. . .