This Article I write not in the tone of wanting to tell people why I consider Xenophon as Suspect No.1, I am self aware enough to know that My opinions do not demand anyone listen to them, and when I do put opinion to article and Hit 'Publish Post', If someone does choose to accept and agree with a theory I have, then great. If not, that;s fine too. I write this simply because I have been asked a few time why I put stock in this suspect.
So, with so little information known about Xenophon Anthony, with He mentioned only once in a passing footnote as 'A' suspect in an FBI Document, I have been asked why I take this particular suspect and reference to Him so seriously? Well, the answer to that question is a very easy one, and it's this:
Zodiac Case: The Suspects!
The Zodiac case has, over the last half century, seen some 2,500 Suspects/POI's looked at and dismissed. Of these Two & A half thousand Suspects, a handful have persisted and have gone on as time passed to become suspects who's Names we all know such as Richard Marshall, Larry Kane, Bruce Davies and more recently, Dick Gaik. For those who should wish to Champion any of these suspects as Zodiac, while they may disagree on which suspect is 'The' Zodiac, they will all have one thing in common. That One common factor that goes for all these suspects is: Circumstantial evidence. All of the evidence pointing to Marshall, Kane, Gaik etc is all Circumstantial in nature.
What none of the top 5 suspects have ever had since their names first came up as Zodiac suspects, is Physical Evidence. Not one piece of Physical Evidence has surfaced against any of them. Not Richard Marshall, Not Dick Gaikowski, not even Lawrence Kane, for who I have written extensively and made My own case for His guilt. All these suspect have but Circumstantial Evidence linking them to, or implicating them in, the Zodiac Killer Case.
Xenophon Anthony: The One and Only suspect with Physical Evidence via Witness Identification!
That is where suspect Xenophon L. Anthony stands alone and in a suspect class of His own. Not by My Making, not Richards who run's and owns this site nor Dave Toschi either. Xenophon doesn't simply ask for attention to be given, He simply demands it and His priority above all others is He is the ONE, He is the ONLY suspect in this entire half century case that has physical evidence tying Him to the Offender called Zodiac in the form of an Eye-Witness Ident.
Now You may see this angle from a different perspective than I, that's not only OK but welcome. I don't relish others agreeing with Me, I'd rather them challenge A theory I may have or an opinion I state, having people question your belief and idea's keep's you honest. So everyone is absolutely welcome to dive to the response/comment section below this article and tell Me what A Complete idiot I am and why, most obviously, I am barking up the wrong, and very proverbial, tree.
All I insist is that anyone who does wish to do that must have solid reason and grounds to do.