Post trigger pull.
It would be, for most of us anyway, the most impulsive response should we have just executed someone in the middle of a 4 way intersection, to run like hell and get out of that area ASAP. We may expect our heart to be racing, our fear and anxiety levels to be elevated and be showing all the known signs of hyper vigilance. Not so with our Presidio Height Un-Sub. He, if anything, seemed to be the opposite of hyper vigilant and seemed almost undaunted and not concerned whatsoever about where He was, what He was doing, and the consequences if caught there doing what He was doing.
Zodiac was seen by witnesses to take time and make effort to relieve Paul of a portion of His shirt, literally taking the very shirt off the dead drivers back. He also seemed to take time to take out a white cloth and begin wiping down portions of the cab's interior dash area before exiting. Then, upon exiting, fails to scarper in a panic in favor of using the cloth to wipe down the exterior of the cab starting with drivers side, then walking around to do the same on the other.
While He has been taking time to do these chores, witnesses at the house directly across the street have taken the liberty to phone the operator to be patched through to the San Francisco Police Dpt. and report to this Law Agency that there is (as they witnessing the event believed at the time) a cab driver being robbed and possibly assaulted in the process also. Armond Pelissetti get's a radio Dispatch informing Him of this crime in progress and fortunately, Armond stated, "We were very close and responded to that corner, and were able to do so with Red Lights and Siren at 9:55 at night and got there very quickly."
It's my belief that Zodiac only walks away from the scene after hearing Armond do what He said He did, activate His emergency response lights and siren.
So He's gone, literally the witnesses tell Armond, "Just gone down The (Cherry) Street." After He walks off, Zodiac turns right at the following intersection onto Jackson Street, a street that offers a view for a good 2 miles easily as it does not bend nor curve, but runs straight. Upon this long & straight road, a second unit is responding coming up toward the location of Zodiac as He descends it and, for some reason that has always completely baffled me, He does not attempt to hide out of sight, ducking behind one of the many parked vehicles or turn into the entrance of a house or it's driveway to allow the cop car to pass Him by.....Not until the cop car is literally pulling up right next to Him on the side of the pavement.
This offender seems to be in, what we would refer to, a 'World of their own' and away with the fairies. We know He's arrogant and egocentric from His letters, but to the point of allowing cops to pull right next to you to see if you can convince them to please go away? Not for me. Turns out, I discovered, there is a medical condition that has symptoms absolutely consistent with almost everything He was seen to do that night, even down to his 'Lumbering Gait, Limp Like' walking motion He was said to exhibit. This condition is Minimal Brain Dysfunction, or MBD. Here is a rundown of it's symptoms:
"Minimal brain dysfunction was formally defined in 1966 by Samuel Clements as a combination of average or above average intelligence with certain mild to severe learning or behavioral disabilities characterizing deviant functioning of the central nervous system. It can involve impairments in visual or auditory perception, conceptualization, language, and memory, and difficulty controlling attention, impulses, and motor function. While MBD does not affect intelligence, it does have an effect on motor activity and attention span. Other symptoms that may be associated with the disorder include poor or inaccurate body image, immaturity, difficulties with coordination, both hyperactivity and hyperactivity, difficulty with writing or calculating, speech and communication problems, and cognitive difficulties. Secondary problems can include social, affective, and personality disturbances.
I am not saying I now fully believe Zodiac to be a victim of this mental impairment, but given what we know He did and the way He acted in response, you'd be a brave man to bet your house that He did not!
My personal reason to believe that the man Don saw on Jackson Street was, without question, Zodiac is. . .
And finally, was the Stine murder premeditated or Spur of the moment? MyOpinion, based on His wearing His 'Kill outfit'....Clear pre-planned event.