At a slow speed of 30mph, the journey time from her residence to the turnout is about 3 minutes. If we now add this 3 minutes to the time she took from the turnout to the Enco Gas Station of 3 1/2 minutes, we get a total journey time of 6 1/2 minutes. The time should have been 11:16:30pm when she flagged down police at the Enco Gas Station, not 11:25pm as recorded in the Daniel Pitta police report. There is a massive discrepancy of 8 1/2 minutes. If we left these timings alone (and kept the time of 11:14pm that James Owen was thought to have passed the turnout), Stella Medeiros would actually have passed the turnout before James Owen. Now that would shake up the whole story.

According to Captain Daniel Pitta's police report, it was claimed that they arrived at the turnout at 11:28pm. A journey time of 3 minutes for him to travel 3.4 miles from the Enco Gas Station to the turnout, would have required him traveling at 68mph. However, 11:25pm was the time he recorded that Stella Medeiros flagged him down, not the time he headed to the crime scene. She had to approach the police car and relay to Captain Daniel Pitta what she had observed and where. He had to register her information and take down her details at the Enco Gas Station (name & address), before relaying this information to the Benicia Police Department. Even if this had somehow taken a meagre one minute, he would now only have 2 minutes to reach the crime scene at 11:28pm, traveling at 102mph. The timings are wrong at this end

Factoring everything into the equation, I have estimated that Stella Medeiros left her kitchen at 11:09pm, entered Lake Herman Road at about 11:11pm, and passed the turnout no later than 11:14pm, to arrive at the Enco Gas Station at 11:19pm. Her interaction with Captain Daniel Pitta lasted upwards of 4 minutes until 11:23pm, before he headed off to the crime scene, arriving and parking up at approximately 11:27 or 11:28pm. Stella Medeiros would have left her home and passed the turnout at the higher estimate of 5 minutes she originally claimed in the police report. The police report stated that "she left her home and arrived at the area (turnout) four or five minutes later. She estimated between 11:14 and 11:15pm".

However, he too had to leave his home and enter his vehicle. Allowing one minute for this task, he would have begun his journey at approximately 10:55pm, to arrive at the turnout at 11:09pm. To accomplish this, I calculated this to an average speed of 39mph. Ray Grant calculated a 15 minute 36 second journey from 10:54pm, traveling at 35mph, to arrive at the turnout at about 11:09:30pm. If James Owen began his journey at 10:55pm, traveling at a modest 35mph, he passes the turnout at 11:10:30pm. At a slightly higher speed of 40mph, he passes the turnout at 11:08:30pm. I estimate the time was somewhere around 11:09pm, in near agreement with Ray Grant. The window of the Zodiac Killer to now commit the murders would narrow to 5 minutes.