Released on August 5th 2024, Ross Geraci, host of the YouTube channel *Planet X Filmworks" focused on the post canonical activities of the Zodiac Killer with Canadian filmmaker Andrew Gray from the "Citizen Detective Podcast". Both regular contributors to the Zodiac Killer community over many years, they discussed general Zodiac topics and then ventured beyond the four confirmed attacks at Lake Herman Road, Blue Rock Springs, Lake Berryessa and Presidio Heights. To view this episode of the Zodiac files, please click the image below. .
8/4/2024 10:52:44 am
8/5/2024 11:24:36 am
I know that "Druzer" have talked about amdixterity before.
8/5/2024 12:14:14 pm
Some good food-for-thought there, Johnny.
8/5/2024 01:26:58 pm
I have to point out in just from my own experience, I have worked in the field of engineering for 30 years (electrical) and have NEVER met a mechanical engineer who knew anything more detailed about electrical / electronics than they usually have 2 wires (positive and negitive, although they would probably say black & red wires) I am not saying there are not mechanical engineers with electrical knowledge, there would have to be, just I have never met them and there are a lot of engineers where I work. Personally I doubt Zodiac was a mechanical engineer as he has his electronics perfect including maybe not well known electrical components like photo-electric-switch and fail-safe devices etc. I would like to know how many mechanical engineers know what a photo-switch is? Zodiac also really does not use any mechanical terms or concepts in his communications, he seems to have knowledge of electrical/electronics and maybe chemistry to a basic level to make a bomb, but there is nothing from the field of mechanical engineering I see. It was a good spot whoever noticed he drew the road on the bus bomb diagram with a camber. People keep saying Zodiac must have been a mechanical engineer because he could draught engineering drawings, but those same drawings are used by electrical engineers civil engineers etc I cant see anything "mechanical engineering" based in the Zodiac correspondences personally. 8/5/2024 01:47:27 pm
That's a bit ''sweeping'' for me, Jibberjabber, and in education at least, mechanical engineers can't avoid some electrical engineering - even if they wanted to.
8/5/2024 12:33:30 pm
I agree totally on your points in section 1!
All sounds pretty good to me, Johnny.
8/5/2024 03:23:26 pm
Looking through FBI files part 4, and i notice on page 74 similar writing
8/5/2024 03:51:38 pm
The letter seems to be sent to the FBI in Boston 24/4 -72.
8/5/2024 06:44:46 pm
Yes - that's actually 24/4 - 82
8/5/2024 07:31:37 pm
Naturally, I would recommend any Z-follower to become genned-up on Joan's case. I see her as one of two ''definite'' victims of the Zodiac, after his Bay area 5 victims. I make a number of references to her case at the ZKM site in the ''Zodiac case deciphered & solved'' thread. In addition to having had actual contact with ''2 Parties'' directly involved.
8/6/2024 12:23:41 am
On the matter of the April 24th 1982 letter, specifically - there may be an alternative reason for the FBI inserting it into the files. Anything to do with Joan's case appears to have been thrown in to the Zodiac files, as if at random : The letter may be from George, referring to Gareth Penn who made ''Zodiac representations'' to George, regarding Joan as a possible victim of the Zodiac - whom Penn was to reveal, by claim, as lecturer Michael O'Hare.
8/6/2024 01:18:19 am
''touted as a mathematician'' ? Where have we heard and read that, in recent times, in 10's if not 100's of media outlets ? As referring to Sam Blake, one of three claimed solvers of the Zodiac's Z340, by the FBI - who have not played an active role in the Zodiac case, in the service of case custodians, since 2015.
8/6/2024 01:42:56 am
''Quack, quack'' ? This shouldn't detract from Don Harden's not inconsequential achievement in an approx 98% solve of Z408. Harden was a crossword puzzler ''par excellence'', having won competitions.
8/6/2024 01:36:59 am
Are you sure at -82?
8/6/2024 01:50:57 am
Yes absolutely. Take a magnify glass out for a closer look. Joan Webster's sister-in-law Eve Carson has commented on it before, also. I don't think she is sure who is its author. The family weren't impressed with Penn's claims - that's for sure.
8/6/2024 02:05:46 am
Im looking at what the letterwriter writes in the top right corner. Its a strange seven i agree, but it doesnt look like an 8 to me.
8/6/2024 02:17:17 am
I know what you mean about ''doubt'' - but the ''Boston'' letter does refer to the Joan Webster case. It's 1982.
8/6/2024 02:41:25 am
One thing i find a little strange is the times Zodiac took on responsibility for certain murders, how could he know they wouldn't get solved? Was he in the police force? Radetich, Lass, Johns.
8/6/2024 03:09:38 am
With the San Jose (Karl Werner) murders, the Zodiac contracted himself to those, because (probably) he wanted to vary the fear factor, and in the knowledge he only had one gun remaining (out of three) - and he knew it was going to increase the chances of getting caught if he tried to purchase more guns. Legislation was about to become tighter with ''mail order'' on firearms.
8/6/2024 02:53:50 pm
I don't think the Zodiac was more then 5 10" ( or so ) maximum. My POI ( Voigts POI ) CCK was i believe between 5,11"-5,12". This could exclude him.
8/6/2024 06:48:54 pm
Reading Rodellis book. He mentions one Jerry Johnson ( 7 letters ). Rodellis writes he was a member in a group discussing the Zodiac case. Lyndon Lafferty was also a member, and they together tried to make a case for Grant.
8/6/2024 08:45:30 pm
I wouldn't wish to deny anyone's suspect outright - and physical dimensions of the Zodiac have clearly presented a problem in general agreement, over the years.
8/6/2024 09:21:06 pm
You may be right in your suspect, Rubi. I just go on what i read, and humbly listen to people like yourself, that has been closer to the case and the surroundings.
8/8/2024 06:04:34 am
Maybe Doerr have a few things aswell besides CCK, but for third place i can't see anyone. Looking in from the outside Doerr might be the best, but we need to understand that he is now pretty reserarched and they haven't come up with any bigger things ( and when you research the right suspect, often you come up with big
8/8/2024 08:47:55 am
Well if Zodiac abducted Kathleen Johns, Fouke could be referring to acne scarring on Zodiac's chin. Johns said "Zodiac" had acne scarring on his chin
8/8/2024 09:28:42 am
Can't go any further with Ms Johns, anymore. She was a ''naughty girl''. A rendez-vous with a lover that went wrong when her car wouldn't re-start. Senior cops decided to ''officially'' believe her - she had had a traumatic enough experience as it was, and they felt sorry for her. The man she described, was her lover.
8/8/2024 09:54:55 am
No, certain people dont listen. Chin large and haircut flat, thats it
8/9/2024 03:01:26 am
Oh, i was nasty yesterday, missunderstood you. Yes, perhaps it could be like that, and Fouke never said large chin either according to Rodelli, it's was just my own speculation. 8/8/2024 08:56:51 am
I'm going to have a good look at Chester Clark Klingel now, Johnny. Thanks for the tip. I believe the Dec 1990 Eureka card is Zodiac-authentic.
8/8/2024 11:57:48 am
How do we know Kathleen Johns was abducted by her lover? Did he loosen the lug nuts or was all that invented?
8/8/2024 01:42:44 pm
Naturally we don't - but just one possible explanation of her story never adding up from start to finish. If the lower-end press of the day had got hold of what the police really thought, ''poor Ms Johns'' might have been socially hung, drawn and quartered. It is known for example, that her baby was found in a ditch close to the police station - and that she had not made it clear, for at least 15 minutes of entering the police station, that she even had a baby, let alone that it was ''missing''.
8/8/2024 02:14:32 pm
''...abducted by her lover...'' ? Those aren't my words, nor opinion. I think she and her lover had to put a story together pretty quickly. He left her close to the police station, and disappeared. With Ms Johns having to report the ''cobbled together'' story, suiting both her and him.
8/9/2024 12:18:54 am
She seems genuine to me, the chances of her encountering Zodiac must be miniscule but she seems to have been abducted by someone surely - if the car was burned and she had 2 hours of lost time, if her & her daughter were picked up on the freeway etc before been take to the police station etc etc? how does she benefit from such a bizarre false story though? 8/9/2024 01:01:27 am
Free to believe what you wish, Jibberjabber.
8/9/2024 09:59:06 pm
9/20/2024 12:13:59 pm
That Z340 is in error. That very last word should be "abroad" and what he says next is I'm leaving you people with " See those sentences tie togerher. I solved the reaminder of Z340, the 16 lines left.
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