It could be argued that the author of the Scorpion letters, which were mailed to John Walsh, presenter of the popular television show America's Most Wanted, was hinting he was once the infamous Zodiac Killer. In a series of cryptograms and letters sent in 1991, the headline text of "Hi, Remember Me" is fairly self-explanatory. To discover whether the Zodiac Killer had reinvented himself as the "Scorpion", let us take a look at the 148 character cipher, the last lengthy code mailed by the Zodiac Killer in May 1971 and see if there are any overlapping features to the longest of the Scorpion ciphers (180 characters). Disregarding the orientation of the characters, I have noted seven overlapping ciphertext characters from the Z148 to the main Scorpion cipher. Six of these characters (boxed in red below) had never been used by the Zodiac Killer prior to 1971. The ciphertext character "7" represented the plaintext letter "A" in both the Z148 and Albany code. The "sun cross" symbol (similar to crosshairs) and ciphertext character "7" were both present in the Z148, Albany and Scorpion codes. The Zodiac Killer signed off his accompanying letter to the 148 character code in 1971 with a "sun cross" symbol (see below). This represented the plaintext letter "Z" in the Z148.cipher, which meant that Zodiac Killer was effectively signing off with a "Z" in his communication, just as he did in the Halloween card on October 27th 1970. So I took a gamble and presupposed that the Zodiac Killer, if he composed the Scorpion ciphers, may have used the "sun cross" symbol to represent the plaintext letter "Z" in the main Scorpion cipher. The "sun cross" symbol was only present in the main Scorpion cipher, headed by "Hi, Remember Me". If the plaintext letter "Z" was featured in the main Scorpion cipher, then it held the possibility of the pseudonym "Zodiac" being present. However, to bolster this proposition, we needed at least two repeating ciphertext characters (the same distance apart) within two runs of six consecutive characters of the Scorpion cipher - and they both had to begin with a "sun cross". It was possible.
11/15/2024 12:46:32 pm
Nice to see Scorpion's S5 cipher displayed, Richard. If by the Zodiac, which I have no doubts - then it could be also called ''Z180''.
11/15/2024 01:01:45 pm
Currently Rubi, I'm attempting another solve using the two Zodiac sections. I'm currently 2/3 the way through. It's probably not the answer, but I enjoy the challenge. Pop your solution here for reference if you like.
11/15/2024 01:21:26 pm
Would love to - but have to show allegiance to ZKM, for the viewing figures and advertising, alone. The Mods and Admin leave me to my own devices, which is nice. But anyone can access the cipher solutions at the Scorpion ciphers thread in the Ciphers section of the site, if they wish. 11/15/2024 02:42:13 pm
Oh yes - one other thing I found that Z180 and Z70 shared was that Scorpion liked Coffee - which he wrote as ''Cofee'' in both cases. He seems to have been none too impressed with the quality of Coffee in New York City.
11/15/2024 03:42:17 pm
11/16/2024 09:53:39 am
I can say one thing about this, and that is i believe it is a male individual that has composed this. Writings is one thing, but i think ciphers ( more male dominated ) is another, and the handwriting definitely is manly aswell.
11/16/2024 10:41:16 am
There are so many variables in the cipher (too many symbols). The amount of symbols with dots suggests they have functionality within the cipher rather than just decoration. Same with the filled in squares. What inspired this style Johnny is anyone's guess. I, like you, get the impression this was designed by somebody of a more mature age. Possibly in their late 50s or 60s.
11/16/2024 11:12:02 am
Like a "Pigpen cipher".
11/16/2024 11:50:46 am
Yes, and if this is the Zodiac perhaps Chester seems a better fit compared to Doerr. Doerr seems immature and fantastical according to his writings. But ofcourse this is just speculation on my part, and what do i know from just a little writing about almost nothng at all.
11/16/2024 09:55:18 am
This is an older man . It is almost certain when you see the very mature and decent handwriting: Hi! remember me?
11/16/2024 03:12:31 pm
Well, I do have ''Scorpion'' revealing the term ''Person of Age'' in the 100% homophonic Z180 solution.
11/16/2024 03:35:45 pm
If one spreads the term ''Person of Age'' out, thus:
11/16/2024 03:51:24 pm
Could be Grants son if your right about this.
It might be worth noting that in my 100% homophonic Franglais solution to the 1990 Celebrity cipher, Zodiac (?) writes:
11/16/2024 03:55:33 pm
Genes has it sometimes.
11/16/2024 03:59:22 pm
But just sometimes, Rubi. My father was an engineer like yourself. Myself im lousy at mathematics and i try my best learning from beautiful minds like yours. 11/16/2024 04:38:39 pm
Well thanks Johnny - a mathematician actually. But spent much of my working life in Victorian restoration.
11/16/2024 12:44:43 pm
The sad thing about Doerr as i understand it, is that we have no indication that gets large enough to think it might be him. And this is leaning heavily against him as a suspect.
11/16/2024 12:51:29 pm
Only William Crow.
11/16/2024 01:19:40 pm
It could be something Graysmith wrote to make it higher in the suspense department, because i don't think he got arrested, did he?
11/18/2024 11:52:34 am
IDK about "Zodiac" but it seems to me like dude is just writing the same 4 lines over and over again.
11/18/2024 02:07:05 pm
That's a good spot. The 340 also showed repeating patterns, but this is an interesting find regarding the areas you've highlighted. I have little doubt that this cipher has a genuine message because of the sheer effort of its designer, and the fact that a cipher created with no message doesn't achieve long lasting satisfaction to its creator. Do you think this cipher/accompanying letter was created by Zodiac, and have you attempted a solve?
11/18/2024 11:52:57 pm
I don't think it is from the same Zodiac that killed in the SF bay.
11/19/2024 01:24:35 pm
Figured I would return to this one because I came up with a proof of concept. 11/19/2024 01:18:39 pm
Interesting. So if I'm following this thread correctly, and I'm not sure that I am. There are two people that are 100% the Zodiac, and two separate people on here are having a conversation about their guy being 100% the Zodiac, with one person claiming 100% solves of solutions, that have not been published by any type of authoritative source?
11/19/2024 07:18:36 pm
Tom's suspect isn't Ed Edwards from my recollection.
11/20/2024 09:05:20 am
I believe that's common knowledge in the community.
11/19/2024 10:24:30 pm
I didn't know anything about cryptography before taking an interest in the Zodiac case, I know some absolute basics now after watching few videos reading a few books and articles etc my 2 cents for what it is worth:
11/19/2024 10:31:16 pm
Do you recall, Jibby, the man chasing cars in one of Graysmiths books? Was it a Impala he drove?
11/20/2024 08:37:45 am
There was a white Chevrolet Impala reported at the Lake Herman Road pumping station Gate 10 turnout (where Betty Lou and David were killed) by various people but I don't know if it was there continuously or came and went a couple of times, this car is suspicious because it was never identified so it could be Zodiac. I think the man getting chased around 9:30-10pm was William Crow,but he initially reported the car as a blue Valiant and maybe even with 2 people driving, but I think in later years he said he was misquoted and that the car was a white Chevrolet with one driver WMA. I think some of the witnesses may have made mistakes on what they saw and what time they saw it, but because more than 1 person saw the White Impala I believe it was definitely there that night and has never been explained. Whether it was Zodiac or not who knows
11/20/2024 11:56:10 am
The male chasing cars between villages/ cities and then being chased off by the police? Don't you remember it. Is a just a small episode in one of his 2 books.
11/20/2024 12:08:39 pm
I found it in "Unmasked": " The Impala showed up again in Santa Rosa on November 15, 1970. At 4:00 A.M. a woman driver saw “a 1962-63 White Chevrolet” fol owing her from a Santa Rosa post office. Shortly after, a “white Chevrolet Impala, sedan 1964,” fol owed a
11/20/2024 01:34:45 pm
Nice find Johnny.
11/20/2024 01:38:56 pm
Trying to find newspaper reports. I'll let you know if I find anything. 11/20/2024 09:13:04 am
Well, it sounds as if you're basing a lot of this on the assumption that the cipher writers are the same.
11/20/2024 10:15:15 am
But that does not matter if you make the symbol mean a different word when you use it in the next cipher. Zodiac used some of the same symbols between ciphers but he made them stand for different plain text between the Z408 and the Z340 for instance. 11/20/2024 04:58:19 pm
What I believe you're describing is the "alphabet" in either a Mono Alphabetic Substitution Cipher (MASC) or a Poly Alphabetic (PASC). So I would agree with you, and say yes, that is possible. Almost de rigeur.
11/20/2024 12:54:49 pm
I have just started reading Zodiac unmasked again myself Johnny. I recently re-read Zodiac 1986 and picked up a couple of minor things since last time I had read it. I hope I see a couple of other things in unmasked since last time I read it.
11/20/2024 08:31:53 pm
The fuller face is interesting if true and the odds is low on that i think, if we consider Zodiacs weight. But Chesters face seems pretty thin genetically, so maybe he could have a thin face and a larger body, if it's him that is.
11/20/2024 10:45:50 pm
I am not sure about the timeline not fitting, if it was quiet on those roads out to the Lake then Zodiac could have had time to drive back to Napa to make the phonecall. The witness statements that day show there could be a discrepency in the police timeline, but yes Zodiac needed to make the distance between the lake and the phonebooth but I have not seen anything yet that excludes it being Z
11/21/2024 03:03:41 am
Yes, that 27/28 mile journey to the payphone was about 50 minutes max, which would have our killer needing to enter his vehicle just beyond the Rayfield location at 6:50pm. The journey time from a 6:30pm signature to a location by the Rayfield's is about 20 minutes. This timeline works. A killer heading straight from the car door to payphone, has him arriving 20 minutes too early at 7:20pm. The extra 20 minutes can be accounted for by the walk from the Ghia to just beyond the Rayfield's. 11/20/2024 04:51:47 pm
If Zodiac committed crimes that were NOT Zodiac like, we would need to figure out a theme of some kind or be able to get inside of the mind of the killer to be able to suss that out.
11/20/2024 08:18:25 pm
The odds is against him to have perpetrated other crimes. It's unusual as it is, that he somehow managed to slip away. He was fast ending his career without leaving enough evidence and therefore we cant find him. This is at least my take on it.
11/20/2024 10:42:58 pm
My approach with Z now is, if the guy was in his 40s and in 1968/1969 was committing uneccessarily elaborate crimes with multitudes of weapons, seemingly changing MO, adding the taunting calls & ciphers - then he simply cannot be new to the game, no one stumbles into being a serial killer / taunting letter writer that manages to become the most wanted man in America in less than a year on their first attempt.
11/21/2024 07:54:21 am
I would agree with this sentiment.
11/20/2024 11:39:48 pm
Have you heard Hazelwood say that sexual sadists often begin late in life with their elaborate fantasies already formed ( because normal rape isnt enough for them ), and this seemingly at odds with what you say, Jibby? Nowadays these people might never form because of violent pornography, VR and things in that nature. But give whoever the chance to become Sardanapalus and their will be an queue exactly as long as all the humans on earth, despite what lies we humans tell ourselves.
11/21/2024 12:03:14 am
The more eloborate the crime, the later the criminal must wait before acting out. These are controlling perfectionists that demand almost the impossible.
11/21/2024 07:58:55 am
Where are you getting any of this? This sounds completely made up and not in line with anything I've read about basic normal or abnormal psychology especially as it pertains to killers or serial killers.
11/21/2024 08:16:24 am
Personally Johnny I see it the exact opposite of you, I think Zodiac was committing these weird elaborate crimes by 1968/1969 because he had some earlier kills under his belt and he was always trying to keep things interesting - to himself.The changing MO, changing weapons, lack of fingerprints - all this was by design as he references it in some of his letters, but how many killers were writing letters by 1968/1969 in California?? Not too many I would think. This is extremely unusual behaviour with a capital E! I would agree with what you say if he wasnt also a taunting letter writer. I feel the odds are against someone just stumbling into being an effictive killer on their first attempt, I also feel someone stumbling across the idea of sending a 3 part cipher to grab the media attention is not likely, but put both of that together - no way, no one knows how to be a taunting letter writer killer without having learned and refined etc
11/21/2024 01:31:05 pm
Jibby! I think you might be correct in this case because its so unusual, and we don't therefore have any references?! I say this to you because i also have some experience ( because of life ), but that doesn't have to do anything with this case.
11/21/2024 01:40:37 pm
Edward. I try to back up what i say if somebody ask something particular. I think my rant was pretty clear and nothing special.
11/21/2024 02:07:57 pm
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