[1] A 2 cm oblique ragged edge fresh non gaping laceration of the upper lip on the left side, that angles laterally from above and extends completely through the thickness of the lip. The teeth behind are not loose or broken.
[2] An in line series of three fresh lacerations of the skin of the left cheek, angling from above in front slightly downward and posteriorly. The anterior is 2 cm long, the intermediate 0.5 cm long and the posterior one 2 cm long. The overall length is about 3 cm and all extend into the superficial subcutaneous tissue, but do not gape.
When we look at the injuries to the face of Cheri Jo Bates below, we have four prominent wounds across the left side of her face: Three described as laceratuions across her left cheek (measuring 2cm, 0.5cm and 2cm), and one measuring 2cm across her left lip. While these may easily be interpreted as several punches to the face, all four of the "lacerations" are pretty much in line with each other, with three of the wounds all measuring 2cm in length. The wounds appear much more consistent with a single glancing kick across her face. Thereby not loosening or breaking any teeth.